
mixer是什么意思 mixer在线翻译 mixer什么意思 mixer的意思 mixer的翻译 mixer的解释 mixer的发音 mixer的同义词 mixer的反义词 mixer的例句

mixer [ˈmɪksə(r)]  [ˈmɪksɚ] 


mixer 基本解释

名词混合器; 搅拌器; 调音师

mixer 相关例句


1. To do this job well, you need to be a good mixer.

mixer 网络解释

1. 混合器:公司描述: 重庆美科易机械设备有限公司,作为汽车工业领先的替代能源供应商,我们提供完整的液化石油气(LPG)和压缩天然气(CNG)转换装置. 我们的产品包括减压器(Reducer),混合器(Mixer),仿真器(Emulator),......

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 搅拌器:台湾高丽菜 半颗 (Taiwanese Cabbage) 约500公克重揉面团时水不可一次加入,需视面团的湿度酌量加水,揉至不会沾黏手与桌面即可,亦可以搅拌器(Mixer)来揉面团.

3. 混合机:笔者自认比较理想的配置,混合机(mixer)系采横卧式复螺旋带状全开排料机种,容量二公吨(或四公吨、六公吨均可,惟其周边设备必须相对的加大). 接料桶(SB)应大於或等於二公吨,

4. mixer什么意思

4. 混频器:的原理方框图如图 4-1 所示.它包括天线电路(ANT),低噪声放大器(LNA),混频器(Mixer), 中频放大器(IF Amplifier)和解调电路(Demodulator)等.摩托罗拉手机接收电路基本上都采 用以上电路.超外差一次变频接收机工作过程是 : 天线感应到的无线蜂窝信号 (GSM900 频段 935,

5. mixer:mxr; 混频器

6. mixer什么意思

6. mixer:mix; 混频器,混合器

mixer 词典解释

1. 搅拌机;混合器
    A mixer is a machine used for mixing things together.

    e.g. ...an electric mixer.

2. 调酒用的饮料
    A mixer is a non-alcoholic drink such as fruit juice that you mix with strong alcohol such as gin.

3. (善于)交际的人
    If you say that someone is a good mixer, you mean that they are good at talking to people and making friends.

    e.g. Cooper was a good mixer, he was popular.

4. 音频(或图像)混合器
    A mixer is a piece of equipment that is used to make changes to recorded music or film.


    e.g. ...a three channel audio mixer.

mixer 单语例句

1. The court said hashish and cocaine were found at his home, along with scales and a mixer used to prepare the drugs for sale.

2. Sany Group has invested 530 million yuan in a concrete mixer manufacturing plant in the zone.

3. The nation's leading heavy machinery manufacturer is building a concrete mixer manufacturing plant that will employ 700 people in the center of the zone.

4. Both were invented by master mixer Michael Brown, who says roughly equal sales of the two drinks mirrors splits in the electorate.

5. Cream the butter and sugar in a food mixer till light and fluffy.

6. The glasses glisten, while the mixer is more like an actor on the stage presenting a cocktail show.

7. At one mixer for staff at the school I was assigned to teach at, it was being plucked out of tubs of warm water.

8. Beat butter in a large mixing bowl with an electric mixer on medium to high speed for 30 seconds.

9. Beat with chilled beaters of an electric mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form.

10. Remove from the freezer and beat with a hand mixer to break up any ice crystals that have formed.

mixer 英英释义


1. a kitchen utensil that is used for mixing foods

2. electronic equipment that mixes two or more input signals to give a single output signal

3. club soda or fruit juice used to mix with alcohol

4. a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity

    Synonym: sociablesocial

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