
monthly是什么意思 monthly在线翻译 monthly什么意思 monthly的意思 monthly的翻译 monthly的解释 monthly的发音 monthly的同义词 monthly的反义词

monthly [ˈmʌnθli]  [ˈmʌnθli] 


monthly 基本解释

形容词每月的; 每月一次的; 按月的

名词月刊; 月经

副词每月; 每月一次

monthly 相关例句


1. The rent on his apartment was his biggest monthly expense.


1. monthly

1. Some magazines come out monthly.


1. A monthly paper is printed every month. We read it monthly.

monthly 情景对话


A:I don’t mind (paying that tax/ donating some money/ paying the monthly insurance).

B:Yeah, it’s for a good reason.



A:At least we’ll have (a monthly check/ our families/ those savings) when we get old.

B:Aren’t we fortunate?


A:I’d like to apply for a personal loan.


B:How much would you like to borrow?

A:A thousand dollars.
      1000 美元。

B:Let me check with our credit manager (later)

A:Our record shows that your credit rating is quite high. I don’t think you’ll have any problems.

B:What’s the current interest rate?

A:Our monthly interest is 1.5% of the outstanding balance. Would you please fill out this application form?

monthly 网络解释

1. 月:显姗苰埻锂使用徘软件枀苰奿和苰埻徘电子序斚奿(ESN)该序斚奿对继电器(RELAY)输刞选择(M79)择浏览(DAILY),月(MONTHLY)和年(YEARLY)累积内容. 使

2. 月度:在图1.2所示的对话框中,工作文件频率项(workfile frequency)可根据具体情况选择年度(Annual)季度(Quarterly),月度(Monthly)等样式,并在下面的空格输入数据的起止时间,其中:其中, 为随机项.在计量经济学模型中我们假定它满足古典假设条件,

monthly 词典解释

1. 每月的;每月一次的
    A monthly event or publication happens or appears every month.


    e.g. Many people are now having trouble making their monthly house payments...
    e.g. Kidscape runs monthly workshops for teachers.

2. 月刊
    You can refer to a publication that is published monthly as a monthly .

    e.g. ...Scallywag, a London satirical monthly.
    e.g. ...the Nairobi Law Monthly.

3. 每月的;按月的
    Monthly quantities or rates relate to a period of one month.

    e.g. The monthly rent for a two-bedroom flat would be £953.33...
    e.g. Monthly interest costs vary.

monthly 单语例句

1. The cost of buying ad space in every global daily paper, weekly trade journal or monthly car magazine is prohibitive.

2. The numbers are gathered monthly by the AP from reports by three Iraqi agencies.

3. Cab drivers went on strike in another two Chinese towns on Monday, demanding government intervention on issues including high monthly cab rental fees and unlicensed taxis.

4. Americans pay significant monthly fees to enjoy cable television, but cable companies also tightly control all of their content.

5. Qzone had 228 million active user accounts for the second quarter of 2009, although it won't give out monthly visitor figures.

6. At the end of the second quarter, its user number was only 65 million and monthly active users numbered 36 million.

7. A monthly salary system represents a progression from the piece rate and hourly wages of the early days of capitalism.

8. But the monthly capital inflow has started to drop, indicating a trend of slowdown investment activity.

9. And the monthly purchasing surveys conducted by the Institute for Supply Management now indicate weaker activity among service firms as well.

10. The country's cement production reached a monthly record of 172 million tons in June, bringing the total production to 848 million tons in the first half.

monthly 英英释义



1. a periodical that is published every month (or 12 issues per year)



1. of or occurring or payable every month

    e.g. monthly payments
           the monthly newsletter


1. occurring once a month

    e.g. they meet monthly

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