
moody是什么意思 moody在线翻译 moody什么意思 moody的意思 moody的翻译 moody的解释 moody的发音 moody的同义词 moody的反义词 moody的例句

moody [ˈmu:di]  [ˈmudi] 


moody 基本解释

形容词喜怒无常的; 忧悒的; (无缘无故)不高兴的; 脾气坏的



moody 相关例句


1. It is difficult to predict his reaction because he is so moody.

moody 网络解释

1. 情绪化的:因为心理因素而产生的 (psychogenic) 情绪化的 (moody) ???标题看不懂! 因为心理因素而产生的 (psychogenic) 情绪化的 (moody) ??? 形容词....(恕删)

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 摩迪英联:经过三名审核员三个工作日认真细致的审查论证,摩迪英联(MOODY)论证公司派出的审核专家对天士力帝益公司在质量管理体系建设方面的努力和成果给予了高度评价,并宣布天士力帝益公司正式通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系的现场论证.

3. moody

3. 悶悶不樂的:焦躁不安的restless | 悶悶不樂的moody | 缺乏適應力或不成熟的inadequate

moody 词典解释

1. 心情多变的;闷闷不乐的
    If you describe someone as moody, you mean that their feelings and behaviour change frequently, and in particular that they often become depressed or angry without any warning.

    e.g. David's mother was unstable and moody...
    e.g. Ray is a complicated, moody man behind the joking front.

He sat and stared moodily out the window.
His moodiness may have been caused by his poor health.

2. (绘画、电影、音乐)令人伤感的
    If you describe a picture, film, or piece of music as moody, you mean that it suggests particular emotions, especially sad ones.


    e.g. ...moody black and white photographs.
    e.g. ...a blend of melancholy guitars and moody lyrics.

moody 单语例句

1. Moody evening lighting illuminates the Canteen's sharp black and white contemporary design, creating an excellent atmosphere for night dining.

2. Moody's Investors Service cut Shimao's rating for the second time in less than three months, citing " weak cash sales ".

3. Further cuts from Moody's would cast doubt on the eligibility of Greek debt at the ECB's money market operations.

4. " A strategic transaction with a stronger financial partner would likely add support to the ratings ", analyst Blaine Frantz said in a Moody's statement on Wednesday.

5. Moody's expects the already highly competitive environment will intensify with the influx of foreign insurers into new areas of operation previously closed to them.

6. Moody's says the ratings upgrade reflects CNOOC Ltd's consistent track record of maintaining a solid financial profile since the rating was first assigned in 2000.

7. Universal's " The Boris Karloff Collection " comes marketed as horror but in reality is a set of five moody costume pieces with scattered thrills.

8. He indicated that the fall of exports may influence whether Moody's raises the nation's sovereign credit rating.

9. Another rating agency Moody's cut Italy's credit ratings by three notches on Tuesday.

10. Global credit rating firm Moody's Corporation yesterday announced it had signed the largest share purchase deal so far in the country's credit rating sector.

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