
morning是什么意思 morning在线翻译 morning什么意思 morning的意思 morning的翻译 morning的解释 morning的发音 morning的同义词 morning的反义词

morning [ˈmɔ:nɪŋ]  [ˈmɔ:rnɪŋ] 


morning 基本解释

名词早晨; 上午; 黎明; 早期,初期

morning 同义词

morning 反义词

morning 相关词组

1. of a morning : 往往在早上;

morning 相关例句

1. morning

1. Good morning!


1. Mother goes shopping on Tuesday and Friday mornings.

2. I'll see you in the morning.

morning 情景对话


A:Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?

B:Yes, I'm Dave Michaels. I'd like to talk to Amy Winters, please.
       是的,我是Dave Michaels,请Amy Winters听电话。

A:Just a moment, please. I'll transfer you.


B:Thank you.



A:you are like a bow and I, a violin. Together we can make music.

B:You're quoting from one of Herb's love letters?

A:Oh, yes. Actually, an internet love postcard.

B:An Internet love postcard, that's pretty strange.

A:And this morning there were flowers from Herb at my doorstep!



A:Good morning. Ms Carling's office. What can I do for you?


B:This is Marlene Casper. I need to meet with Ms Carling. She knows who I am.
      我是Marlene Casper,我要约见Carling女士,她知道我是谁。


A:Hold on , please. I'll check her schedule…… You can meet with Ms Carling at 10:00 tomorrow.

B:That'll be fine. Thank you very much.

morning 网络解释

1. 早晨:二、其他新闻节目 1、早间节目 1952年,NBC开办早间杂志型节目<<今天>>(Today)后,CBS立即创办名为<<早晨>>(Morning)的早间新闻节目与NBC展开竞争. <<早晨>>是一个最能体现CBS新闻敏感性的节目. 这个节目每天7点半开始,一直播出到9点半.

2. 早安:藤岛康介,昭和三十九年(公元1964年)7月7日生于日本东京都. 小三年级时搬至千叶县,一直待到高中毕业. 而在之后的经历,包括担任杂草社漫画情报志<<泡芙>>编辑,以及将川达也的助手. 直到1986年,他在讲谈社的青年志<<早安>>(MORNING)八月号发表其处女作<

3. 早上:翻译:早上(morning)的时候这儿(here)有两个男老师. teacher 老师

4. morning的意思

4. 晨:After 瞬间重现如早晨(morning)刚上好妆的完美肌肤,几乎看不见毛孔(pore)好久没感觉(sense)(perception)这么安静(rest)了,好像回到了......的感觉. 早上起来就自己(self)(self),迷迷糊糊的不知道干点什么,头不梳,脸不洗,坐着发傻.

morning 双语例句

1. Your guide will meet you in the hotellobby at 10 am tomorrow morning.

2. Good morning, May I get your vouches, please?

3. And in the dessert, there is not much water, and you are walking in the dessert from morning to night without water.

4. morning的反义词

4. Negotiations between the player and the club progressed smoothly at every stage, and the documents related to the contractual issue were registered at the Lega Calcio offices this morning.

5. Wake up every morning and see my wife in our own side, I felt particularly moved.

6. The `Henrietta'entered Queenstown Harbour at one o'clock in the morning, it then being high tide

7. In the morning he was aroused out of a pleasant dream by several men stirring about in the cold, cheerless room.

8. On May 18, morning 9:30 I driving yourself the 5008 small cars from ten spot type cross-country shan fine blunt small one elementary school reunion, when the rain came long rich, only 55Km + 900m road, and rugged construction to learn exactly rain chung-ho, roadside pile cap fence stone, had a lot of bad road, become more difficult driving.
    2009年5月18日,上午9:30左右我驾驶着自己的众泰5008小越野型汽车从十八连山乡细冲完小独木小学到雨汪,当来到富长线55Km+900m 处,只见路面崎岖不平,加之正好雨汪中学在建盖围墙,路边堆了很多石头,本来就不好的路面,变得行车更加艰难。

9. morning的近义词

9. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents.

10. Autumn morning, you see, there is a thin layer of frost covered in the above, like wrap a layer of granulated sugar.

11. The ad was going to hit the stands in the morning and CityTown was one of the city's major glossies, second to New York magazine.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

12. Refreshingly titled Morning, the new album from Janice comes with 10 original songs ranging from pop/rock to soul and jazz-styled.
      Morning》是 Janice 出道以来首张全英文歌专辑,十首原创英文歌的曲风由爵士乐、法式惰怀、骚灵、摇滚至田园小品不等。

13. Prawn, fish cake, egg, bean sprouts and morning glory served

14. So here is my tips that where u can keep ur morning makeup and make some touchup for it and u can changed the style again yes... i know i m lazy:P~ hahahaa...

15. Here is the video for the touchup makeup~ Do u feel tiring when morning have to makeup and dinner time you have to wash away ur makeup and makeup again? !

16. And I heard this story the first time a couple of years ago from a very modest family of immigrants from Kosovo in Switzerland. They had set up a big screen in their living room. And every morning they had breakfast with their grandmother.

17. I found a small girl crying in the tree this morning.

18. Good morning/afternoon, My name is YangHaiyan, You can call me Yanzi.

19. Application sunny morning, the containers of the goods plus Add 5-10 times the water-soluble, water 5-10 minutesbody of water in bays, shallow water, such as the Treasury Department branch spilled, thrown in the upstream river.

20. True love is just one of the most simple appearance, as if a face is not modified, regardless of the early morning and evening, are a pair of pure eyes, and a gentle mouth, a nose to breathe, the eternal Mo Yang and you hugged overnight there will be no surprise the moment, no drastic Britain swing, life is such a gentle over-the day after day.

morning 词典解释

1. 早晨;上午(从人们通常醒来到中午或午餐前的一段时间)
    The morning is the part of each day between the time that people usually wake up and 12 o'clock noon or lunchtime.


    e.g. During the morning your guide will take you around the city...
    e.g. On Sunday morning Bill was woken by the telephone...

2. 凌晨,早晨,上午(从子夜到中午的这段时间)
    If you refer to a particular time in the morning, you mean a time between 12 o'clock midnight and 12 o'clock noon.


    e.g. I often stayed up until two or three in the morning...
    e.g. The attack happened in the early hours of the morning.

3. 第二天上午;次日上午
    If you say that something will happen in the morning, you mean that it will happen during the morning of the following day.

    e.g. I'll fly it to London in the morning...
    e.g. Melanie promised that she would call them in the morning.

4. 日日夜夜;夜以继日;一直
    If you say that something happens morning, noon and night, you mean that it happens all the time.


    e.g. You get fit by playing the game, day in, day out, morning, noon and night.

morning 单语例句

1. The area bounced back quickly and had returned to its normal bustle on a rainy Monday morning.

2. BEIJING - Beijing's subway system was disrupted briefly during Monday morning's rush hour after a man jumped onto the tracks at a busy subway station.

3. Service on the busy Line 1 was disrupted due to an electrical failure, which reportedly triggered the collision in the tunnel a little after seven in the morning.

4. He started calling his insurance company in the early morning, only to hear nothing on the line for hours but a busy signal.

5. But then again, it was easy to be fresh in the morning.

6. At the national championships Wu complained of fatigue after finishing third in the 100m butterfly and said he found it tough racing in the morning.

7. The reports by the Beijing Times and Beijing Morning Post didn't identify the buyer.

8. The hundreds of bees buzzing around a pine tree in the park had become the scourge of people hoping to do their morning exercises.

9. A man set his storehouse on fire by accident on Monday morning after letting off firecrackers to celebrate his birthday.

10. No morning show change would be bigger than a departure by Lauer, whose contract ends at the end of next year.

morning 英英释义


1. a conventional expression of greeting or farewell

    Synonym: good morning

2. the earliest period

    e.g. the dawn of civilization
           the morning of the world

    Synonym: dawn

3. the time period between dawn and noon

    e.g. I spent the morning running errands

    Synonym: mornmorning timeforenoon

4. the first light of day

    e.g. we got up before dawn
           they talked until morning

    Synonym: dawndawningaurorafirst lightdaybreakbreak of daybreak of the daydayspringsunrisesunupcockcrow

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