
mousse是什么意思 mousse在线翻译 mousse什么意思 mousse的意思 mousse的翻译 mousse的解释 mousse的发音 mousse的同义词 mousse的反义词 mousse的例句

mousse [mu:s]  [mus] 


mousse 基本解释

名词奶油冻; (头发)定型摩丝


mousse 情景对话


A:What did you think of the food?

B:It was delicious. I especially liked the garlic mashed potatoes.

A:You’re right, those were fantastic.


B:Did you like your food?

A:I was a bit disappointed in my main course, actually. The sauce was too rich.

B:How about the dessert?

A:That was the best chocolate mousse I’d ever eaten! I might go back there just for that next time!


B:The service was pretty good, too, wasn’t it?

A:Yes, they were very attentive. My glass was always full.


B:I liked the atmosphere. It was nice to eat in a quiet restaurant.

A:What did you think of the jazz ensemble that was there?


B:You know, I think they were the same ones who play at Aria on Friday nights.
      你知道吗,我觉得他们就是每周五晚上在Aria 演出的那个乐团。

A:I think you’re right. I really like the female singer. She has such a mesmerizing voice.

B:Not as mesmerizing as yours!

mousse 网络解释

1. 慕司:4.慎选食品:老人、儿童、孕妇和免疫力低的人士在选择食物时应加倍小心,特别要注意高风险的食物,例如不需焙烘的芝士蛋糕(包括意大利芝士蛋糕[tiramisu])、布甸、慕司(mousse)及吉士(custard).

2. 慕絲:今天学做了布丁(Pudding)和慕丝(Mousse),都是洋人的饭后甜点. 正宗洋人的甜点要有布丁、慕丝之类的小点心,还要有sauce、酸奶和水果,在高档的餐厅里还要把这些东西很漂亮地摆在盘子里,这就是我们今天学的---plating. 这个东西在餐厅里卖$15-18,

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 慕斯:后发酵时间常需和面包烤焙弹性(oven spring)配合,当烤焙弹610.(4) 慕斯(mousse)西点的制作,一般由下列何种原料组合而成 鸡蛋,

mousse 词典解释

1. (用鸡蛋、奶油制成,通常加入水果和巧克力的)奶油冻,慕斯
    Mousse is a sweet light food made from eggs and cream. It is often flavoured with fruit or chocolate.

2. 定型发胶;摩丝
    Mousse is a soft substance containing a lot of tiny bubbles, for example one that you can put in your hair to make it easier to shape into a particular style.

mousse 单语例句

1. Other great desserts include lime cheesecake, walnut tarts and brownies with vanilla mousse.

2. Go ahead, dig in and savor the creamy rich cheesecake flavor in this dreamy mousse.

3. The hotel will also serve other famous desserts including raspberry mousse, sour cherry strudel and pears cooked in orange juice.

4. The tender pepper adds a refreshing touch to the crispy pineapple slice and the mousse below.

5. Eggplants simmered in the mousse are so tender that they melt in your mouth, and the onions help relieve the homogenous and heavy flavor of the goose liver.

6. White chocolate mousse short piece is shaped as a heart, coming at 16 yuan a piece.

7. Ronald Reagan sneaked big bowls of chocolate mousse behind his wife's back.

8. To serve, spoon mousse into four to six dessert dishes and top with fresh strawberries.

9. This intriguing mooncake with a distinct mousse flavor has been one of the hotel's best sellers.

10. The dessert is a dark and white chocolate mousse cake with passion fruit and raspberry puree.

mousse 英英释义



1. toiletry consisting of an aerosol foam used in hair styling

    Synonym: hair moussehair gel

2. a light creamy dish made from fish or meat and set with gelatin

3. a rich, frothy, creamy dessert made with whipped egg whites and heavy cream



1. apply a styling gel to

    e.g. she mousses her hair

    Synonym: gel

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