
movie是什么意思 movie在线翻译 movie什么意思 movie的意思 movie的翻译 movie的解释 movie的发音 movie的同义词 movie的反义词 movie的例句

movie [ˈmu:vi]  [ˈmuvi] 


movie 基本解释

名词电影; 电影院; 电影业

movie 相关例句


1. Let's go to the movies.

2. This movie is worth seeing.

movie 情景对话


A:(Hurry/ Quick/ Hurry up)! The movie is coming back on.

B:I’m coming.



A:It’s time to get up!

B:I just went to bed!

A:You shouldn’t have stayed up so late watching TV. I told you we had to get an early start.

B:I know, but that movie was just too good to leave. I guess I’ll just have to pay the price and be sleepy.

A:Do you want to eat breakfast here?

B:No. Why don’t we just grab a bite at the coffee shop next door?


A:Okay by me.



B:Ugh. Another advertisement. They’ve added two hours of advertisements to a two hours movie.

A:Yeah. We’re never going to get to the end of this one.


B:Why are we watching it anyway?

A:Well, it does have a lot of girls in it.


B:True. True.

A:Do you think Bruce Willis just drank a Coke for his health?

B:Really? Did Coke pay him for that?

A:Of course.

B:You want something to drink?

A:Yeah, Got a Coke?


A:Hurry, the movie is coming back on.

movie 网络解释

1. movie的反义词

1. 影片:SSA规定了对话(Dialogue)事件、注释(Comment)事件、图片(Picture)事件、声音(Sound)事件、影片(Movie)事件和命令(Command)事件这样几类. 这里我们只是使用了对话事件. 从第三行开始,每一行的起始都是Dialogue标记,这就是对话事件.

2. movie的意思

2. 影院:我们在电影院(movie)看赤壁,因为是星期三,所以人特别的少,我们俩坐在了离人都比较远的最后一排. 就当演到周瑜跟小乔xx时. 我就开始(beginning)摸女朋友的大腿,越摸越往里. 她本能的把腿分开了一点点,靠在了椅背上. 我就顺势往上摸,

3. movie的解释

3. 动画:这样既能调动学生学习的积极性,活跃课堂气氛,又可以大大提高课堂教学效率.树立现代的教育观念,运用现代的教育技术是开展现代教学改革的重要方面.多媒体计算机集文字(TEXT),图形(GRAPHICS),图像(IMAGE),动画(MOVIE),声音(SOUND),

movie 词典解释

1. 电影;影片
    A movie is a film.

    e.g. In the first movie Tony Curtis ever made he played a grocery clerk.
    e.g. ...a horror movie.

2. 看电影
    You can talk about the movies when you are talking about seeing a movie in a movie theater.

    e.g. He took her to the movies.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 the cinema

movie 单语例句

1. A clandestine video porn shop was busted after a worried mother recently busted her young son watching a dirty movie.

2. During the busy summer movie season, top hits often drop 50 percent or more in the second weekend.

3. But then again, promotion gimmicks alone won't a movie industry make.

4. He described " The Man behind the Courtyard House " as a movie in which a casual choice leads to an unexpected outcome like the butterfly effect.

5. The biggest attraction of a restaurant opened by a movie star is of course the star himself.

6. And judging by what's in theaters this holiday movie season, his name is George Clooney.

7. A movie made by the renowned ski film producer Teton Gravity Research will be screened during the festival.

8. She said it took a day and a half for Gong to act out the movie in Chinese dub.

9. I was just so inspired by that movie, for whatever reason.

10. But one former rebel has taken his past to the movie screen and is now looking at spreading a message through his acting.

movie 英英释义


1. a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement

    e.g. they went to a movie every Saturday night
           the film was shot on location

    Synonym: filmpicturemoving picturemoving-picture showmotion picturemotion-picture showpicture showpicflick

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