
muck out是什么意思 muck out在线翻译 muck out什么意思 muck out的意思 muck out的翻译 muck out的解释 muck out的发音 muck out的同义词

muck out [mʌk aut]  [mʌk aʊt] 

muck out 基本解释


muck out 相关例句


1. I've mucked out the henhouses.

muck out 双语例句

1. muck out在线翻译

1. Do not muck out the stable with your horse in it.

2. muck out的解释

2. Part of her job was to muck out the stables.

3. So of course everyone had the laugh at Bloom and says he, trying to muck out of it

4. danci.911cha.com

4. The boy has to muck out the horses every day.

5. Are you ready to walk out of the muck and mire of defeat and failure and into the life you have always dreamed of?

6. I've muck ed out the henhouses.

7. They have muck ed out the pigsty.

8. muck out

8. There are also continuous detectors scanning Aluminum flakes and sorting them out but this should be put at the end of the line only for security purposes and, if it is discarding too muck, because it removes also quite many PET flakes together with the Aluminum one, you better find a better way to sort it out at the beginning of the line.
    也有一种检测器是在最后检测铝并将铝拣出来的,不过会将 PET 瓶片和铝一起弄掉,所以最好是一开如就把铝弄出来。

9. When the river was allowed to flood over its banks every year, some of the muck that spilled out remained, creating more and higher land nearby.

10. He stamped off to muck out the pigsty

11. Here's how to muck out.

12. muck out

12. Muck settled on power lines and transformers, shorting everything, putting us out of action for a week.

13. muck out的翻译

13. He used to muck out the stables every morning.

14. Emotional expression is. muck work theme, zoom in and out of the work is its important artistic features.

15. The chicken in feces can also points out ammonia and hydrogen sulfide liberation, fresh dung and muck than send out quantity Chen dung and dry muck more.

16. muck out的翻译

16. He has to muck out the horses every morning at six.

17. In one corner was a stagnant pool of water, surrounding an island of muck; there were several half-drowned fowls crowded together under a cart, among which was a miserable, crest-fallen cock, drenched out of ail life and spirit; his drooping tail matted, as it were, into a single feather, along which the water trickled from his hack; near the cart was a half- dozing cow, chewing her cud, and standing patiently to be rained on, with wreaths of vapour(5) rising from her reeking hide; a wall-eyed(6) horse, tired of the loneliness of the stable, was poking his spectral head out of a window, with the rain dripping on it from the eaves; an unhappy cur, chained to a dog-house hard by, uttered something every now and then between a bark and a yelp; a drab of a kitchen wench(7) tramped backwards and forwards through the yard in pat- tens, looking as sulky as the weather itself; everything, iq short, was comfortless and forlorn, excepting a crew of hardened ducks, assembled like boon companions round a puddle and making a riotous noise over their liquor.

18. In one corner was a stagnant pool of water, surrounding an islandof muck; there were several half-drowned fowls crowded together under a cart, among which was a miserable, crest-fallen cock, drenched out of all life andspirit; his drooping tail matted, as it were, into a single feather, alongwhich the water trickled from his back; near the cart was a half-dozing cow, chewing her cud, and standing patiently to be rained on, with wreaths of vaporrising from her reeking hide; a wall-eyed horse, tired of the loneliness of thestable, was poking his spectral head out of a window, with the rain dripping onit from the eaves; an unhappy cur, chained to a dog-house hard by, utteredsomething every now and then between a bark and a yelp; a drab of a kitchenwench tramped backwards and forwards through the yard in patterns, looking assulky as the weather itself; everything, in short, was comfortless and forlorn, excepting a crew of hardened ducks, assembled like boon companions round apuddle and making a riotous noise over their liquor.

19. We muck out early every morning.

20. And tonight I'm gonna muck out sonya's stall.

muck out 单语例句

1. " Secrets " you confide to colleagues always end up out in the open and those being gossiped about usually know who is spreading the muck.

2. A bench was left sticking out of the muck downstream, and a swing set lay on its side.

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