
muddy是什么意思 muddy在线翻译 muddy什么意思 muddy的意思 muddy的翻译 muddy的解释 muddy的发音 muddy的同义词 muddy的反义词 muddy的例句

muddy [ˈmʌdi]  [ˈmʌdi] 


muddy 基本解释

形容词泥泞的; 暗的; 模糊的; 糊涂的

及物动词使沾上泥; 把…弄糊涂


muddy 相关例句


1. When it rains the ground becomes very muddy.


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1. Don't muddy your new shoes.

muddy 网络解释

1. 混浊:6.混浊(muddy)指听来不清晰,因谐波弱,时间响应变差且有互调失真. 7.尖剌(brittle)用于表示使得乐器的音色听来刺耳的中频或高频的声特性的声学术语. 8.缓冲(buffer)指用于将音响或电路级加以隔开的电路. 前置放大器便是音源和功率放大器之间的缓冲,

2. 弱闪光钻石:mud-saw 沙水锯,沙水刀片 | muddy 弱闪光钻石 | muller's glass 玉滴石

3. 泥泞的:practicable 能实行的;适用的 | muddy 泥泞的 | wrench (名)(动) 拧;扭伤

4. muddy

4. 多泥的:muddy ice 含有泥沙贝壳石等的冰块含有泥沙贝壳石头等的冰块 | muddy 多泥的 | mudhole 出泥渣孔

5. muddy:my.; 跑道泥泞的

muddy 词典解释

1. 沾满泥的;多泥的;泥泞的
    Something that is muddy contains mud or is covered in mud.


    e.g. ...a muddy track...
    e.g. The ground was still very muddy.

2. 使沾上泥
    If you muddy something, you cause it to be muddy.


    e.g. The ground still smelled of rain and they muddied their shoes...
    e.g. His new grey jacket was torn and muddied.

3. 暗褐色的;土黄色的
    Muddy is used to describe a colour which is dull and brownish.

    e.g. The paper has turned a muddy colour.

4. 使更为复杂;使难以理解
    If someone or something muddies a situation or issue, they cause it to seem less clear and less easy to understand.

    e.g. It's difficult enough without muddying the issue with religion.
    e.g. ...the mixed motives that muddied Mr Crane's efforts.

Overseas the legal issues are more muddied.

muddy 单语例句

1. A carousel was twisted on its side and a ferris wheel rose above the muddy wreckage.

2. There are established magazine titles that serve each of these specific needs, leaving lifestyle a muddy area often without a clear catch.

3. Along a muddy side lane by the main street, we climbed onto a slope covered by terraced paddy fields.

4. Due to the first day's rain, the road was muddy and temperatures low.

5. Streets just a few yards away from the channels where the muddy deluge raced toward the sea were largely unscathed.

6. But I detected a slightly muddy note in the aftertaste when I returned to the same bottle after a week.

7. Because there was no drainage system, after heavily rains it might take several weeks for the muddy lanes to dry.

8. To reach the waterfront, he had to walk nearly a kilometre along the muddy embankment of the ponds.

9. Muddy Waters questioned the ownership of some of New Oriental's schools and the consolidation of their financial statements with the parent company.

10. The nurses have been cutting open soiled intravenous packs and scrubbing down muddy packs of pills with alcohol to cleanse them.

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