
mustard是什么意思 mustard在线翻译 mustard什么意思 mustard的意思 mustard的翻译 mustard的解释 mustard的发音 mustard的同义词 mustard的反义词

mustard [ˈmʌstəd]  [ˈmʌstərd] 


mustard 基本解释

名词芥末,芥菜; 芥末色,深黄色; 强烈的兴趣; 热情的人

mustard 相关词组

1. cut the mustard : 符合要求;

mustard 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. She put a dash of French mustard on the hot dogs.

2. He has a lot of muscle and mustard.

3. I don't like mustard; it's too hot.

mustard 网络解释

1. 芥菜:比上一财年高出97万吨;粗粮产量将达3967万吨,比上一财年高出3392万吨;豆类产量将达1519万吨的历史新高;油籽产量将达2821万吨新高,比上一财年高出392万吨. 但受恶劣气候影响,芥菜(mustard)的产量将下降13.6%左右.

2. 芥末色:对于太平洋一线,其主要潜在对手中国和日本分别使用黄色(Yellow)和橙色(Orange),对于一些其他地区,像高丽使用黄褐(Ochre),安南使用芥末色(Mustard),暹罗使用青瓷色(Seacrest),东印度群岛使用肉桂色(Ci,菲律宾使用天蓝(Cel等.

mustard 词典解释

1. 芥子酱;芥子泥
    Mustard is a yellow or brown paste usually eaten with meat. It tastes hot and spicy.


    e.g. ...a pot of mustard...
    e.g. Thinly paint the lamb with Dijon mustard.

2. (果实可做芥子泥的)芥菜花;芥菜
    Mustard is a small plant with yellow flowers. The seeds can be used to make mustard.

3. 芥末色;暗黄色
    Mustard is used to describe things that are brownish yellow in colour.

    e.g. ...a mustard coloured jumper.

4. 如所期待的那么好;符合要求
    If someone does not cut the mustard, their work or their performance is not as good as it should be or as good as it is expected to be.

5. 非常渴望;非常热情
    If you are as keen as mustard or mustard keen, you are very eager or enthusiastic.

    e.g. I have a pupil who scored very low in assessments but is keen as mustard.

mustard 单语例句

1. For the " deviling, " a blend of cayenne pepper and Dijon mustard worked best.

2. At least nine people suspected of being poisoned by the mustard gas are receiving medical checkup in a local hospital in Qiqihar.

3. Japan on Tuesday admitted that the mustard gas was from chemical weapons left by Japanese troops during World War II.

4. Several Chinese citizens in northeast China were exposed in early August to the mustard gas which leaked from the chemical weapons left by Japanese invaders.

5. Two optional sauces are mustard and Thai red chilli, which is really spicy.

6. Heat up a little oil and fry mustard seeds and cumin until the spices pop.

7. He can cut the mustard, or do what is expected of him at work.

8. It also had aircraft bombs capable of dispersing the mustard agent in combat.

9. A leak killed one person and injured 43 when barrels of mustard gas were dug up at a construction site in Qiqihar last August.

10. The combination creates a rich, earthy flavor and a note of hot mustard lends a bright kick.

mustard 英英释义



1. leaves eaten as cooked greens

    Synonym: mustard greensleaf mustardIndian mustard

2. pungent powder or paste prepared from ground mustard seeds

    Synonym: table mustard

3. any of several cruciferous plants of the genus Brassica

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