
mynah是什么意思 mynah在线翻译 mynah什么意思 mynah的意思 mynah的翻译 mynah的解释 mynah的发音 mynah的同义词 mynah的反义词 mynah的例句

mynah [ˈmaɪnə] [ˈmainə] 

mynah 基本解释


mynah 网络解释

1. mynah的意思

1. 八哥:秃鼻乌鸦(Rook) 秃鼻乌鸦 [秃鼻乌鸦简介] 鸟种:秃鼻乌鸦 学名:...八哥(mynah) 八哥 [八哥-简介] 中文名:八哥 中文别名:鸲鹆、鹦...桃脸情侣鹦鹉(Peach-faced Lovebird) 桃脸情侣鹦鹉 [桃脸情侣鹦鹉简介...非洲灰鹦鹉(Gray Pa

2. 八哥鸟:mynah 鹆 | mynah 八哥鸟 | myoblast 肌胚细胞

3. 鸲:myna 八哥儿 | mynah 鸲 | mynah

4. 鹆:mynah 鸲 | mynah 鹆 | mynah 八哥鸟

mynah 双语例句

1. There are birds that a very personable, like cockatiels and lovebirds, birds that talk, like parrots and mynah birds, those that sing, like canaries and those that are fun to watch, like finches.

2. The major scenic spots open to tourists now in this park are World Famous Pigeon Square, Nine Phoenix Wall (the first one in China and the first huge relief in Hainan), Mynah Bird Speaking Gallery, Parrot Square, Bird Rainforest (the first one in China which imitates the terrain features of the tropical rainforest and tropical theunder rain with sound, light, electricity and color), LoversForest, Desert Bird Park (the first one in China exhibiting desert birds in the way of imitative situation), Savage Bird Show Field, Jianlong Tower (the dest preserved man-waterfall in Hainan), and Bird Stars theatre.

3. If you know you cannot handle this at all, then I don'; t recommend getting a mynah bird.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. Black is the colour of a mynah.

5. You can count on your mynah to occasionally do some whistling on its own and you will become annoyed at times.

6. mynah什么意思

6. I had not hand fed a baby mynah before. With proper instruction, I did very well.

7. You don'; t want to encourage a mynah to whistle for it can become quite annoying, and it can be ear-piercing.

8. A mynah can still be an enjoyable pet even if it chooses not to speak words or phrases.

9. In2001, a Chinese woman launched divorce proceedings against her husband after the family's pet mynah bird reportedly spilled the beans on his marital indiscretions.

10. Bring Your Parrot or Mynah Bird to Work would be good, too.

11. mynah在线翻译

11. I'm giving her a mynah bird when she comes back from europe.

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. They said the mynah bird would be here later this afternoon, if you care to come back.

13. mynah的意思

13. The major scenic spots open to tourists now in this park are World Famous Pigeon Square, Nine Phoenix Wall (the first one in China and the first huge relief in Hainan), Mynah Bird Speaking Gallery, Parrot Square, Bird Rainforest (the first one in China which imitates the terrain features of the tropical rainforest and tropical thunder rain with sound, light, electricity and color), Lovers` Forest, Desert Bird Park(the first one in China exhibiting desert birds in the way of imitativesituation), Savage Bird Show Field, Jianlong Tower(the best preserved ancient tower in Hainan at present), Bathing Dragon Pool(the biggest man-made waterfall in Hainan), and Bird Stars theatre.

mynah 单语例句

1. Zoo visitors are now lining up to take a photo with the mynah in its cage and laugh heartily when it shouts at uncivilized visitors.

2. I often see a pair of Mynah birds on the roof of a neighbouring building.

3. The mynah started reciting poetry when it heard its master's voice and the thief was exposed.

4. A mynah bird from Nanjing can recite poems and speak three languages and the Nanjing dialect.

5. Go to the end of the lane and look out for the clever mynah bird who carries on conversations with attendant humans.

6. A mynah bird that can speak both Chinese and English attracted many curious pedestrians in Guangzhou's busy Beijing Road.

7. No wonder I still see people in this most modern of cities carrying their beloved pet Mynah birds in wooden cages on their daily walks.

mynah 英英释义


1. tropical Asian starlings

    Synonym: mynaminaminahmyna birdmynah bird

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