
named是什么意思 named在线翻译 named什么意思 named的意思 named的翻译 named的解释 named的发音 named的同义词 named的反义词 named的例句

named [neɪmd]  [neɪmd] 


named 基本解释


动词确定( name的过去式和过去分词 ); 决定; 给…取名; 说出…的名字


named 情景对话


A:I beg you pardon? Miss who?

B:Miss Betty.

A:I'm sorry, but I don't know that name. You must have the wrong number.


B:Come on. I know Betty's there. Let me talk to her.

A:There's no one named Betty here.Are you sure you have the right name?

B:Oh,I'm sorry.


A:Hey, Olaf, is this a picture of you?

B:That’s a good guess, but actually that’s my brother.

A:But, he looks just like you!


B:Maybe that’s because we’re twins!

A:I see. Who else is in the picture?


B:The person to my twin brother’s left is his wife, Susan.

A:Do they have any children?


B:They just have one son named David. He’s the little one over there wearing the red sweater.


A:Oh, he’s very cute. Who is the woman next to Susan?

B:That’s my older sister, Frederique.

A:Is she married?


B:No, but she’s been dating the same guy for five years. He’s the guy with the glasses behind her.

A:He’s cute. What about your parents? Are they in the picture, too?


B:No, the older couple in the picture is my aunt Mary and my uncle Joseph.


A:Why aren’t you in that picture?

B:I was taking it!

named 网络解释

1. named是什么意思

1. 命名的:在SQL Server中这种机制通过实例这个概念来实现,SQL Server可以作为一个命名的(named) 或是 默认(default) 的实例来运行,默认实例的名字和运行它的Windows服务器的名字一样,显然一个系统的默认实例只可能存在一个,

2. 域名服务器:如果发现你的Webmail处于重载的情况,你可以把集成的数据库服务 (postgresql)、域名服务器(named)与Web服务器分离,它们都是可以通过网络进行访问的. 摘要:本文的目的是通过应用Linux系统集成的网络服务和应用软件,

3. 命名:本章将详细讲述如何在JPA中执行查询,包括基本JPQL语句的书写、查询Query API、查询结果的处理、命名(Named)查询和本地(Native)查询. 通过本章的学习,读者将能够掌握查询的基本方法,为下一章学习JPQL查询打好基础.

named 单语例句

1. A customer service representative at the business named Xiao Sheng denied that the man worked for the company and refused to answer questions.

2. It said the man named Shi refused to take his wife's advice to find a legitimate business.

3. Named HSBC Life Insurance Co Ltd, it will open for business in the third quarter.

4. The new structure will not have a big impact on the company's business, said an oil and gas analyst who declined to be named.

5. The county's booming success story all started with a businessman named Qin Yuxiang, who took an order from a foreign trade company 22 years ago.

6. It's about a wealthy young woman named Charlotte whose stockbroker father is busted for embezzling millions from his clients.

7. I have a wonderful teacher named Emily who works with me and is very patient when I butcher her language.

8. Chalco still might buy out Baotou, said an analyst who declined to be named.

9. Akzo Nobel NV has consistently been named as a serious buyer following the recent sale of its drugs business Organon Biosciences for 11 billion euros.

10. Named Loki after the Norse God of Mischief, the infant primate has been raised by hand after his mother died soon after birth.

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