
narrow是什么意思 narrow在线翻译 narrow什么意思 narrow的意思 narrow的翻译 narrow的解释 narrow的发音 narrow的同义词 narrow的反义词 narrow的例句

narrow [ˈnærəʊ]  [ˈnæroʊ] 


narrow 基本解释


形容词狭窄的; 狭隘的; (种类或数目)有限的; 仔细的,精确的

及物动词限制,限定; (使)变窄; 变得更窄; 收缩

名词海峡; 狭路,隘路; 狭窄的水道


narrow 同义词

narrow 反义词


narrow 相关例句


1. She has a narrow mind.

2. Tom passed the examination by a narrow margin.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. The street is too narrow for a truck.


1. The scholar narrowed his interest to Tang poetry.


1. The sea narrows into a strait.

narrow 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 窄:大众标注法分为宽(Broad)大众标注法、窄(Narrow)大众标注法. 宽大众标注法指许多用户可以标注同一事物,而窄大众标注法指只有一少部分用户能够标注同一事物. 采用聚类分析方法对用关键词或自由词标引的检索系统中的词表建立词间关系,

2. 窄的:假如有高又狭窄的(Narrower)前额,可以在眉毛( Brow )上剪高层次的浏海,使前额觉得更短 、更窄. 一个在下巴( Chin )更丰厚的圆形造型会更有特色. 下颌轮廓( Jawline )是狭窄的(narrow). 前额( Forehead )和颊骨( Cheekbones )是宽阔的.

3. 狹,窄:提示:去St.Johnson School并不难. 出车站向左转,走到红绿灯处,由十字路口(crossroads)再向左转,那是St Johns大街. 沿街一直走到一家电影院,过了电影院,左边有一条很狭窄(narrow)的街,叫Stamp Street.沿街走二百码便是学校,对面有座教堂.

narrow 词典解释

1. 狭窄的;狭小的
    Something that is narrow measures a very small distance from one side to the other, especially compared to its length or height.


    e.g. ...through the town's narrow streets...
    e.g. She had long, narrow feet.

...the narrowness of the river mouth.

2. 变狭窄;变窄
    If something narrows, it becomes less wide.


    e.g. The wide track narrows before crossing another stream.

3. (使)(眼睛)眯起
    If your eyes narrow or if you narrow your eyes, you almost close them, for example because you are angry or because you are trying to concentrate on something.

    e.g. Coggins' eyes narrowed angrily. 'You think I'd tell you?'...
    e.g. He paused and narrowed his eyes in concentration.

4. (想法、态度或信仰)狭隘的,有局限的
    If you describe someone's ideas, attitudes, or beliefs as narrow, you disapprove of them because they are restricted in some way, and often ignore the more important aspects of an argument or situation.


    e.g. ...a narrow and outdated view of family life...
    e.g. I would have preferred somebody who had wider ideas, and he was rather narrow.

The present A-level system requires schoolchildren to specialise far too early and too narrowly...
They're making judgments based on a narrowly focused vision of the world.
...the narrowness of their mental and spiritual outlook.

5. 缩小;(使)变小
    If something narrows or if you narrow it, its extent or range becomes smaller.


    e.g. Most recent opinion polls suggest that the gap between the two main parties has narrowed...
    e.g. Senate negotiators further narrowed their differences over the level of federal spending for anti-drug programs.

...a narrowing of the gap between rich members and poor.

6. (胜利)勉强的;(胜负)差距微弱的;险胜的
    If you have a narrow victory, you succeed in winning but only by a small amount.

    e.g. Delegates have voted by a narrow majority in favour of considering electoral reform.

She narrowly failed to win enough votes...
The People's Party is narrowly behind the Socialists in the polls.
The narrowness of the government's victory reflected deep division within the Party.

7. 很险的;勉强的
      If you have a narrow escape, something unpleasant nearly happens to you.

      e.g. Two police officers had a narrow escape when separatists attacked their vehicles.

Five firemen narrowly escaped death when a staircase collapsed beneath their feet.
If he was shaken by the narrowness of his recent escape he showed no signs of it.

8. -> see on the straight and narrow straight

相关词组:narrow down

narrow 单语例句

1. It is necessary for the government to step up its efforts in working with the business sector to narrow the wealth gap in Hong Kong.

2. China is third in Group C, holding a narrow edge in points over Russia.

3. Fiscal prudence must remain the guiding principle in whatever action the government may take to narrow the wealth gap.

4. Previous research has found that cells in this area are active when people widen or narrow their attention.

5. Her guesthouse at the end of a narrow path covered by a canopy of vines weighted down with big green gourds.

6. Thousands of revelers thronged narrow London streets on Sunday to celebrate the annual Notting Hill carnival as authorities ordered a clampdown on deafening sound systems.

7. The cascading gaps in performance from the gold medalist all the way down could be as narrow as a nanometer.

8. Foot and mouth disease has spread to a second herd of cattle in southern Britain, as experts narrow down the possible source and step up efforts at containment.

9. A narrow shaft of sunlight streamed through a small opening in the cave roof giving the water an unearthly quality.

10. The renminbi is pegged to the US dollar and floats in a narrow range enforced by China's central bank.


narrow 英英释义


1. a narrow strait connecting two bodies of water



1. become tight or as if tight

    e.g. Her throat constricted

    Synonym: constrictconstringe

2. make or become more narrow or restricted

    e.g. The selection was narrowed
           The road narrowed

    Synonym: contract

3. become more focus on an area of activity or field of study

    e.g. She specializes in Near Eastern history

    Synonym: specializespecialisenarrow down

4. define clearly

    e.g. I cannot narrow down the rules for this game

    Synonym: pin downpeg downnail downnarrow downspecify



1. lacking tolerance or flexibility or breadth of view

    e.g. a brilliant but narrow-minded judge
           narrow opinions

    Synonym: narrow-minded

2. characterized by painstaking care and detailed examination

    e.g. a minute inspection of the grounds
           a narrow scrutiny
           an exact and minute report

    Synonym: minute

3. limited in size or scope

    e.g. the narrow sense of a word

4. not wide

    e.g. a narrow bridge
           a narrow line across the page

5. very limited in degree

    e.g. won by a narrow margin
           a narrow escape

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