
nationalist是什么意思 nationalist在线翻译 nationalist什么意思 nationalist的意思 nationalist的翻译 nationalist的解释 nationalist的发音

nationalist [ˈnæʃnəlɪst]  [ˈnæʃɵnəlɪst] 


nationalist 基本解释

名词民族主义者,国家主义者; 国家主义者; 民族独立主义者

形容词民族主义的; 国家主义的; 民族独立主义的

nationalist 相关例句


1. A true nationalist places his country above everything.

nationalist 网络解释

1. 民族主义的:所以它的基本原则是纯正的(genuine)、战斗性的(militant)及民族主义的 (nationalist)工会运动. 纯正的,是指它的成员会被通知所有的资讯,并且决 策是由成员来决定;战斗性的,是指即使在有生命危险的情形下,也永远不会 背弃工人阶级的利益;

2. nationalist

2. 国家主义者/民族主义者:nationalism /民族主义/民族之特性/ | nationalist /国家主义者/民族主义者/ | nationalistic /国家主义的/

nationalist 词典解释

1. 民族独立主义的;国家主义的
    Nationalist means connected with the desire of a group of people within a country for political independence.

    e.g. The crisis has set off a wave of nationalist feelings in Quebec.

2. 民族主义的;怀有民族优越感的
    Nationalist means connected with a person's great love for their nation. It is often associated with the belief that their nation is better than any other nation, and in this case is often used showing disapproval.


    e.g. Political life has been infected by growing nationalist sentiment.

nationalist 单语例句

1. Some lawmakers are playing into public fears to spark rising nationalist sentiments, although Canada has never been known for fanning the flames of fanatical patriotism.

2. With China's growing economic clout and international status in the past 20 years, the Chinese people are full of both national pride and nationalist passion.

3. Taiwan's main opposition Nationalist Party will hold its first ever leadership contest tomorrow, with both candidates vowing to improve the island's relations with the Chinese mainland.

4. The military has accused the press of failing to tow a nationalist line in its coverage of the ongoing separatist war in Aceh province.

5. Serbia - led at the time by nationalist president Slobodan Milosevic - was widely viewed as the main culprit for the wars in the Balkans.

6. Critics fear democracy is in danger after a new nationalist party surged into the lower house and two liberal parties were all but wiped out.

7. Analysts also warned that expanded broadcasts could stir nationalist distrust of the United States and inadvertently strengthen the current government.

8. The council has been dormant since Chen took office in 2000 and ended five decades of Nationalist Party rule.

9. The Nationalist platform calls for eventual unification with the mainland, so expanded trade links are important on a political as well as economic level.

10. Current Nationalist bylaws forbid the party from fielding candidates indicted on criminal charges, but the party is likely to change those rules in coming weeks.

nationalist 英英释义



1. an advocate of national independence of or a strong national government

2. one who loves and defends his or her country

    Synonym: patriot


1. devotion to the interests or culture of a particular nation including promoting the interests of one country over those of others

    e.g. nationalist aspirations
           minor nationalistic differences

    Synonym: nationalistic

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