
natural是什么意思 natural在线翻译 natural什么意思 natural的意思 natural的翻译 natural的解释 natural的发音 natural的同义词 natural的反义词

natural [ˈnætʃrəl]  [ˈnætʃrəl] 


natural 基本解释

形容词自然的; 天生的; 物质的; 不做作的

名词自然的事情; (生来的)白痴; [乐](风琴等的)白键

natural 同义词

natural 反义词


natural 相关例句


1. A small child's behavior is usually natural.

2. We visited a museum of natural history.

3. natural的反义词

3. Try to look natural for your photograph.

4. It is natural for a cat to catch mice.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. Coal and oil are natural products.

natural 网络解释

1. natural在线翻译

1. 自然色:) 自然色(natural) 透明略偏黄色调(适合所有肌肤,自然效果)由天然米粉制成,对皮肤无刺激,敏感肤质都可放心使用. 超强吸油,制造雾面妆效,遮盖皮肤瑕疵,同时保持肌肤嫩滑,清透自然底妆完美一整天哦. 适合任何肤质.

natural 词典解释

1. 自然的;正常的;合乎常情的
    If you say that it is natural for someone to act in a particular way or for something to happen in that way, you mean that it is reasonable in the circumstances.

    e.g. It is only natural for youngsters to crave the excitement of driving a fast car...
    e.g. It is only natural that he should resent you...

2. (行为)出于本性的,生来就有的
    Natural behaviour is shared by all people or all animals of a particular type and has not been learned.


    e.g. ...the insect's natural instinct to feed...
    e.g. Anger is the natural reaction we experience when we feel threatened or frustrated.

3. (能力或技能)天赋的,天生的
    Someone with a natural ability or skill was born with that ability and did not have to learn it.

    e.g. She has a natural ability to understand the motives of others...
    e.g. He had a natural flair for business.

4. 天生的料子;天才
    If you say that someone is a natural, you mean that they do something very well and very easily.


    e.g. He's a natural with any kind of engine...
    e.g. She proved to be a natural on camera.

5. 轻松自如的;不局促的;不做作的
    If someone's behaviour is natural, they appear to be relaxed and are not trying to hide anything.

    e.g. Bethan's sister was as friendly and natural as the rest of the family...
    e.g. Hannah's natural manner reassured her, and she relaxed.

For pictures of people behaving naturally, not posing for the camera, it is essential to shoot unnoticed...
She is magnificent at making you feel you can talk quite naturally to her.
The critics praised the reality of the scenery and the naturalness of the acting.

6. 非人为的;自然的;天然的
    Natural things exist or occur in nature and are not made or caused by people.

    e.g. It has called the typhoon the worst natural disaster in South Korea in many years...
    e.g. The gigantic natural harbour of Poole is a haven for boats.

Nitrates are chemicals that occur naturally in water and the soil...
Honey is a naturally acidic substance.

7. (父母或子女)亲生的,有血缘关系的
    Someone's natural parent is their biological father or mother, as opposed to an adult who is looking after them or has adopted them. Someone's natural child is their biological son or daughter, as opposed to a child they are looking after or have adopted.

    e.g. She has been reunited with her natural mother...
    e.g. His commitments to the stepchildren will not reduce his obligation to his natural children.

8. (音符)本位音的,标有还原号的
      In music, a natural note is the ordinary note, not its sharp or flat form.

      e.g. ...B natural. B

9. (死亡)出于自然原因
      If someone dies of or from natural causes, they die because they are ill or old rather than because of an accident or violence.

      e.g. According to the Home Office, your brother died of natural causes...
      e.g. A prisoner collapsed and died yesterday, apparently from natural causes.

natural 单语例句

1. " Business is linked closely with local natural resources, " Liang said.

2. Butt cleavage will become a thing of the past as waistlines return to a more natural place.

3. Sacrificing our natural and urban heritage might butter up the Home Builders Federation, but it will not make Britain a better place to live.

4. Robots currently being used in households are reliant on button pushing, but Schulz feels this must be carried further so communication becomes more natural.

5. The natural scene was found by accident by local villagers in 2006 and some animal fossils were also found in the cavern.

6. The Ukrainian prosecution accused Tymoshenko of abusing her power by signing a natural gas contract with Russia in 2009.

7. It was also a natural choice by the central government to make sure it stayed on the course of reform and opening up.

8. As a natural heritage, by definition it has to be preserved for posterity.

9. But we often act out of habit - even when it's obvious that a different set of natural laws apply.

10. Among its myriad charms is a road where objects appear to defy gravity by rolling uphill due to a natural optical illusion.

natural 英英释义


1. (craps) a first roll of 7 or 11 that immediately wins the stake

2. a notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat

    Synonym: cancel

3. someone regarded as certain to succeed

    e.g. he's a natural for the job


1. free from artificiality

    e.g. a lifelike pose
           a natural reaction

    Synonym: lifelike

2. being talented through inherited qualities

    e.g. a natural leader
           a born musician
           an innate talent

    Synonym: born(p)innate(p)

3. related by blood
    not adopted

4. in accordance with nature
    relating to or concerning nature

    e.g. a very natural development
           our natural environment
           natural science
           natural resources
           natural cliffs
           natural phenomena

5. existing in or produced by nature
    not artificial or imitation

    e.g. a natural pearl
           natural gas
           natural silk
           natural blonde hair
           a natural sweetener
           natural fertilizers

6. existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world
    neither supernatural nor magical

    e.g. a perfectly natural explanation

7. (of a musical note) being neither raised nor lowered by one chromatic semitone

    e.g. a natural scale
           B natural

8. functioning or occurring in a normal way
    lacking abnormalities or deficiencies

    e.g. it's the natural thing to happen
           natural immunity
           a grandparent's natural affection for a grandchild

9. (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes

    e.g. natural yogurt
           natural produce
           raw wool
           raw sugar
           bales of rude cotton

    Synonym: raw(a)rude(a)

10. unthinking
    prompted by (or as if by) instinct

    e.g. a cat's natural aversion to water
           offering to help was as instinctive as breathing

    Synonym: instinctive

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