
neglect是什么意思 neglect在线翻译 neglect什么意思 neglect的意思 neglect的翻译 neglect的解释 neglect的发音 neglect的同义词 neglect的反义词

neglect [nɪˈglekt]  [nɪˈɡlɛkt] 


neglect 基本解释

及物动词忽略; 疏忽; 遗漏; 疏于照顾

名词怠慢; 玩忽; 被忽略的状态

neglect 同义词


neglect 反义词

neglect 相关例句


1. neglect的翻译

1. He was so busy that he neglected his health.

2. Don't neglect to brush your teeth.

3. If you neglect this property, it will depreciate.

4. She neglected paying the fine.


1. In course of time old customs and observances tend to fall into neglect.

neglect 网络解释

1. 忽略:组织公民行为特别是员工退出(Exit)行为、呼吁(Voice)行为、忠诚(Loyalty)行为、忽略(Neglect)行为(以下简称EVLN行为)是所有企业都不可回避的问题. 企业员工EVLN行为的选择最直接的关系着企业日常的生产经营,甚至企......

2. 不理:另一种凌虐的方式是漠视或者相应不理(Neglect)儿童的生理需求,不供应食物,不给水喝,不协助更换尿布衣物,受虐儿的外观看起来衣着凌乱,全身脏兮兮,对外界刺激反应迟钝,经常出现营养不良、脱水,情况严重甚至会致死.

neglect 词典解释

1. 忽视;忽略;疏于照看
    If you neglect someone or something, you fail to look after them properly.


    e.g. The woman denied that she had neglected her child...
    e.g. Feed plants and they grow, neglect them and they suffer.

2. 不予重视;忽视
    If you neglect someone or something, you fail to give them the amount of attention that they deserve.

    e.g. He'd given too much to his career, worked long hours, neglected her...
    e.g. If you are not careful, children tend to neglect their homework.

The fact that she is not coming today makes her grandmother feel lonely and neglected.
... a neglected aspect of London's forgotten history...
The journal she had begun lay neglected on her bedside table.

3. 疏忽;疏漏
    If you neglect to do something that you ought to do or neglect your duty, you fail to do it.

    e.g. We often neglect to make proper use of our bodies...
    e.g. They never neglect their duties.

4. benign neglect -> see benign

neglect 单语例句


1. I am absolutely horrified by the gross neglect of the witnesses to this tragedy.

2. As in Israel's case, side effects from taking the pills without food can lead patients to neglect treatment.

3. The case exposed a circle of family neglect that included the girl's mother, who was found guilty of manslaughter because she failed to protect her child.

4. This is a basic circumstance many of our countrymen have tended to neglect when touting the country's recent progress.

5. The current company law and securities law as well as their supportive regulations neglect the typical characteristics of Chinese society.

6. With GDP the most significant indicator in evaluating the performances of local governments and officials, many tend to neglect the environmental factors while concentrating on economic growth.

7. The Ministry of Supervision has also ordered administrative punishments of local officials who neglect their supervision duties.

8. But even that is not enough when we consider the size of the gap, a result of decades of near neglect.

9. The rock slide and the slow response comes after a string of other disasters in the country led to accusations of government neglect and incompetence.

10. State child welfare officials have custody of the girl, and police are recommending neglect charges against her parents.

neglect 英英释义


1. willful lack of care and attention

    Synonym: disregard

2. failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances

    Synonym: negligencecarelessnessnonperformance

3. the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern

    Synonym: negligenceneglectfulness

4. lack of attention and due care

    Synonym: disregard

5. the state of something that has been unused and neglected

    e.g. the house was in a terrible state of neglect

    Synonym: disuse


1. leave undone or leave out

    e.g. How could I miss that typo?
           The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten

    Synonym: pretermitomitdropmissleave outoverlookoverleap

2. fail to attend to

    e.g. he neglects his children

3. give little or no attention to

    e.g. Disregard the errors

    Synonym: ignoredisregard

4. fail to do something
    leave something undone

    e.g. She failed to notice that her child was no longer in his crib
           The secretary failed to call the customer and the company lost the account

    Synonym: fail

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