
newcomer是什么意思 newcomer在线翻译 newcomer什么意思 newcomer的意思 newcomer的翻译 newcomer的解释 newcomer的发音 newcomer的同义词

newcomer [ˈnju:kʌmə(r)]  [ˈnu:kʌmə(r)] 


newcomer 基本解释


名词新手; 新来的人; 新生事物

newcomer 相关例句


1. I'm a newcomer to teaching.

newcomer 网络解释

1. 新来者:WC3L的资格赛第一轮已经接近尾声,一直一来比赛都是在一些传统的队伍间进行.而今天的比赛则出现了两支对于WC3L来说属于新来者(newcomer)的队伍: tuRs和 eXecute eSports.

2. newcomer是什么意思

2. 新手:无论你是采用新手(newcomer)或专家模式(模式(normal mode)中已具有的相关的设定.Nero CD-DVD 速度测试(Speed tests)可测试现行的光碟机的速度.g. 外国语言音效轨或额外补贴的素材). 然后该影片将会进行最有效地位元(bit)比例转

3. newcomer的解释

3. 新宿:13. 入夜轻拥 Tendering Night | 新宿 Newcomer | 01. 比翼天堂 Together in Heaven

4. 新来的人:new 新的 | newcomer 新来的人 | newly 新近

newcomer 词典解释

1. 新来的人;新参加的人;新手
    A newcomer is a person who has recently arrived in a place, joined an organization, or started a new activity.


    e.g. He must be a newcomer to town and he obviously didn't understand our local customs...
    e.g. The candidates are both relative newcomers to politics.

2. 新近出现的事物;新得到的东西
    A newcomer is something which has not existed before or been available before.


    e.g. The company's latest newcomer is a 4 x 4 estate with a 2.2 litre petrol engine.
           公司最近新到了一辆有2.2升汽油发动机的4 x 4客货两用车。
    e.g. ...last year's aggressive price slashing by campsite newcomer, Airtours.

newcomer 单语例句


1. But finding the right talent for the new business was a problem for Sun, a newcomer to the machine tool sector.

2. Another newcomer failing to generate much buzz was the comedy " Monte Carlo, " which stars Selena Gomez and was aimed mostly at young women.

3. As a relative newcomer to the market, finding the right distribution partners and building reliable channels are just as critical.

4. Wang was just a newcomer to the Supreme People's Procuratorate when her forensic report sentenced a police officer to three years in prison.

5. The company is China's leading offshore oil and gas producer but a newcomer to the refining and fuel sales sectors.

6. The way the driver market is shaping up, there may not be more than one genuine newcomer starting the season + if that.

7. A newcomer to the United States from Bulgaria found the money this month on her first day at the Goodwill store in Glen Carbon.

8. Among the smaller balloons was a newcomer that pays tribute to graffiti artist Keith Haring, who died in 1990.

9. Climbing the rigging is a common headache for almost every newcomer onboard.

10. That we are emerging from the recession unscratched might have something to do with our being a newcomer in the waters of the market.

newcomer 英英释义


1. any new participant in some activity

    Synonym: fledglingfledgelingstarterneophytefreshmannewbieentrant

2. a recent arrival

    e.g. he's a newcomer to Boston

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