
next time是什么意思 next time在线翻译 next time什么意思 next time的意思 next time的翻译 next time的解释 next time的发音 next time的同义词

next time [nekst taim]  [nɛkst taɪm] 

next time 基本解释

名词& 副词下次

next time 情景对话


A:Excuse me. What time does the next bus for Boston leave?

B:It leaves at 8:30.
      在8 点半开车。

A:I see. Are there any seats available?


B:Just s moment, please. Yes, you can have a seat.

next time的解释

A:Good. How much is a one-way ticket?


B:It’s 38 dollars.
      38 美元。

next time的反义词

A:All right. Here’s 40 dollars.
      好的,这是40 美元。

B:Here’s your ticket and change.

A:Thank you. Which gate should I go to for the bus?

B:Go to gate number 2, please.
      请到2 号站台。

A:Thank you very much.

B:Don’t mention it.

Bob on the Telephone-(鲍勃在打电话)

A:Hello, Pete. This is Bob. How are you?

B:Oh, I'm fine.


A:Where were you this afternoon? You missed an important lecture.Not sick, I hope.

next time在线翻译


A:That's good. The next time you decide to skip class, check with me first.It wouldn't do for both of us to be absent.We need at least one complete set of notes.


A:By the way, are you still in timewasting mood?

B:Yeah,a little.

A:Good. Why don't you come over after supper?Joe's off somewhere with date, and I don't feel much like working.

next time

B:How about eight o'clock?

A:Well. And bring some records over, why don't you?

B:Okay. See you then. Goodbye.

next time 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 下一次:193 Next,please! 搭下一班吧!拜托! | 194 Next time! 下一次! | 195 Nice going. 干得好.

2. 你怎么不通知我? -下次好吗?我保证:That's the kind of thing! I love Samantha's parties.|这就是我怀念的地方 我喜欢莎曼... | - Why didn't you tell me? - Next time, I promise, all right?|-你怎么不通知我? -下次好吗?我保证 | OK, bye.|好吧,再见

3. next time的解释

3. 下集预告:What does it matter now? Let them hang me.|现在又有什么关系呢? 让他们吊死我吧 | Next time...|下集预告 | Hard, hard, push.|用力 用力 推

next time 单语例句

1. Investors are buying up or renting apartments near Beijing's Olympic village to set up budget family hotels in time for next year's Games.

2. Hopefully by this time next year I will have fewer complaints and more things to bring a smile to my face.

3. Halle has previously admitted she is desperate to have a baby by the time she turns 40 - which is next month.

4. Time magazine has hailed him as a frontrunner of Canto pop's next generation.

5. Some time in the latter part of the next decade this socialist state will overtake capitalist America to become the world's richest nation.

6. " Hopefully next time the medal would change a color, " laughing as he added.

7. Standard Chartered Bank maintains that the worst fiscal time is yet to come, and it is likely to arrive during the first and second quarters of next year.

8. The Ministry of Public Security said that from next month, all driving schools must add seven hours of instruction time to the current 79 hours.

9. Next time you visit the new US Embassy in Beijing, check out the art collection.

10. SAN FRANCISCO - Two women in Cincinnati had better leave big tips the next time they get their hair done.

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