
nights是什么意思 nights在线翻译 nights什么意思 nights的意思 nights的翻译 nights的解释 nights的发音 nights的同义词 nights的反义词 nights的例句

nights [naɪts]  [naɪts] 


nights 基本解释


名词晚上; 夜( night的名词复数 ); (举行盛事的)夜晚; …之夜

nights 情景对话


A:Hello. I'm calling from Room 1116.


B:Yes? Can I do something for you?

A:I'm ready to check out now.


B:I have your bill right here.


A:Thank you.

B:Did you make any long distance calls this morning, or did you sign for your breakfast?

A:No, I didn't.


B:Fine. The bill comes to $ 300 even.


A:May I check it?

B:By all means, you ahead.


A:What is this charge here?

B:That's for a long distance call you make two nights ago.

A:I see. Is a credit card OK?


B:Yes, of course.

Before class-(上课前)

A:Hello, Bob. Have you got your work done for today?

B:No, But maybe the teacher won't ask for it.

A:No such luck.The last time he forgot to collect our homework was the day he came down with the flu.He's in better.

B:I know. That was a great week. I went out with Mary three nights running.

A:Who's Mary?

B:You know, the dark-haired girl who sits in the front row.

A:Oh, her. I've never met her.


B:Sorry, friend. You won't if I have my way.


A:Good morning. I want a room tonight.


B:Single or double?

A:Single, please.

B:Do you have a reservation?

A:Yes, I made a reservation in Shanghai.

B:Then, I believe you have a conformation slip.

A:Yea, let me see. Is this the one you want?

B:Yes, that’s it. What’s your name, please?


A:Wumei is my name.

B:Just a moment, please. Yes, we have a room reservation for you.

A:Is it a room with a bathroom?


B:Yes, it is.

A:Can you give me a quiet room?

B:Yes, it is an inside room on the eighth floor.
      好的,这是一个8 楼内侧的房间。

A:What’s the room rate?

B:Eighty dollars a day. How long do you plan to stay, Mr. Wu?
      一天80 美元。您打算住多久呢?

A:Three nights as scheduled.
      如预定中的3 晚。

B:Will you sign the register, please?


A:Is that right?

B:Thank you, Mr. Wu. Your room number is 827. The bellboy will take your bags and show you to your room.



nights 网络解释

1. nights什么意思

1. 夜间:他默认的把花费分为几个区别:通常情况( anytime )夜间( nights )周末( weekends )长途电话( long distance )短信( SMS ) gprs 数据( data )进入上面每一个选择中都有详细的使用情况( used)剩余情况(remaining)这个选项如果是有

2. 梦精灵:你有种就把垃圾游戏挑出来 我会把这些帖子转发一下看看SEGA铁杆的说法老子可没空陪你到各大论坛去发帖子 你以为别人都跟你一样就靠在2手市场骗点钱过活啊 垃圾? 你说的垃圾游戏指哪些啊?VR2, SONIC合辑,VR战士VS格斗之蛇,骨头先生,世嘉拉力,东京番外地,狼人威利,梦精灵(NIGHTS) 快打 ...

3. 夜夜夜夜:11 星月 Stars and moon | 12 夜夜夜夜 Nights | 13 太美丽 So beautiful

4. 一千零一夜:Oliver Twist雾都孤儿 | 1001 Nights 一千零一夜 | Soil 土壤

nights 单语例句


1. Cindy Chavez works Centro's patrons into a tizzy Monday through Saturday nights after 8 pm.

2. Tyson Chandler had 14 points and 12 rebounds for the Hornets, who won on consecutive nights following their first two losses of the season.

3. Charlotte turned the ball over 20 times, two nights after having 21 turnovers in a loss to New Jersey on Friday.

4. With wine nights happening all over the city, we were eager to check out the newest wino haven on the Taikang Lu strip.

5. The sleepless nights and lack of sex after childbirth are probably the least of their worries.

6. The house band plays classic rock while the crowd drinks, laughs and rolls dice during chilly nights.

7. It has become a cliche of debate nights, a room television networks know they should avoid but can't seem to help themselves.

8. She first held him as a baby and spent late nights calling him when he learned to climb trees but wouldn't come down.

9. After the playing surface was watered for two nights to create a layer of ice, another 5 cm of snow was added and groomed.

10. Cheryl Cole has sparked speculation her marriage is on the rocks after failing to wear her wedding ring two nights running.

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