
nitrate是什么意思 nitrate在线翻译 nitrate什么意思 nitrate的意思 nitrate的翻译 nitrate的解释 nitrate的发音 nitrate的同义词 nitrate的反义词

nitrate [ˈnaɪtreɪt]  [ˈnaɪˌtret, -trɪt] 


nitrate 基本解释


名词硝酸盐; 硝酸根; 硝酸酯; 硝酸盐类化肥

及物动词用硝酸处理; 使硝化


nitrate 相关例句


1. nitrate什么意思

1. Nitrates are used as fertilizers in agriculture.

nitrate 网络解释

1. 硝:如罐头食品中含的防腐剂,热狗、香肠,腌肉内含的硝(Nitrate)及硝酸钠 (Sodium Nitrite)、油炸的碳水化合物 (Carbohydrate)、如马铃薯饼及薯条中所含的丙烯氨基酸 (Acrylamide).

2. nitrate的意思

2. 硝酸:一般鱼缸中常见的化合物硝酸(nitrate)对鱼类问题不大,而且是水草的养料,但对虾蟹等无脊椎生物亦是剧毒,所以养无脊椎生物前要作好水质管理的准备. 传统智慧告诉我,养无脊椎生物最好用新的鱼缸和滤材,或要保证旧的设备没有接触过鱼用的药品.

3. (硝酸塩):近年来我们对一氧化氮(Nitric Oxide)及其在生物体中之衍生物保护心血管系统的了解,却成功地解开了一千年前纪录在「敦煌遗书」中所描述硝酸塩(Nitrate)能够救人性命的谜团.

nitrate 词典解释

1. 硝酸盐(用作化肥)
    Nitrate is a chemical compound that includes nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrates are used as fertilizers in agriculture.

    e.g. High levels of nitrate occur in eastern England because of the heavy use of fertilizers.

nitrate 单语例句

1. DCD is used to improve water quality on farms by reducing nitrate levels, as well as to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Authorities say ammonium nitrate dilutes easily in water and that at worst the spilled containers could cause an algal bloom.

3. Police say the explosive was ammonium nitrate, a substance generally used by the military.

4. The bombs were made of ammonium nitrate and were not remotely triggered, he said.

5. Customs official Nasar Salim says the ammonium nitrate was found on a ship captured in the South China Sea.

6. Farmers are using fertilizers which contain large amounts of ammonium nitrate to make explosives.

7. Zhou told a meeting that waste treatment plants around Taihu must be equipped to block nitrate and phosphate pollutants by June next year.

8. The chances are that a car, bus or scooter will send me to hospital way before the accumulated nitrate levels will.

9. Quality supervisors have returned more than 100 tons of American milk powder after it was found to contain potentially dangerous levels of nitrate.

10. The SUV was sitting in a warehouse surrounded by several bags of sodium nitrate, which can be used to make explosives.

nitrate 英英释义


1. any compound containing the nitrate group (such as a salt or ester of nitric acid)


1. treat with nitric acid, so as to change an organic compound into a nitrate

    e.g. nitroglycerin is obtained by nitrating glycerol

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