
norman是什么意思 norman在线翻译 norman什么意思 norman的意思 norman的翻译 norman的解释 norman的发音 norman的同义词 norman的反义词 norman的例句


norman 基本解释


norman 网络解释

1. 诺曼:分别是与杰米.金、蕾切尔.比尔逊合作的<<永远等待>>(Waiting for Forever)、携手钱宁.塔图姆、阿曼达.希弗雷德的<<亲爱的约翰>>(Dear John)以及搭档丹.伯伊德的<<诺曼>>(Norman).

2. 诺曼底人:1066年(北宋中朝),说法语的诺曼底人(Norman)侵入英国,此后二百年间英格兰以法语为官方语言. 后来,1350--1380年间,英语开始用作学校语言和法庭语言. 1399年(明朝迁都北京之前),英格兰人亨利第四当上了英王,此后英语的伦敦方言成为文学语言.

3. 诺曼人:除此以外,由于经历过罗马人(Roman), 诺曼人(Norman) 甚至海盗(Viking)的统治,这里留下了不少遗址,虽然简陋,却保全得不错. 喜欢历史的人还可以选择一边听着录音解说,一边参观York Minster地宫的石棺、雕塑怀古一番. 坦白说,

norman 单语例句


1. Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chief Executive Norman Chan said Friday monetary tightening on the mainland could help ease inflationary pressure on the city's property market.

2. " They have to release them right now, " said veteran civil rights attorney Norman Siegel.

3. Norman Goldberg was expecting to find 400 bird cages inside an international shipping container that had been sent from China and sealed for 25 days.

4. Goffin was the first lucky loser to reach a Grand Slam fourth round since compatriot Dick Norman at Wimbledon in 1995.

5. Throughout her life Norman has won numerous honours, including the 2006 Edison's Lifetime Achievement Award and the Grammy's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005.

6. Golfer Norman has won two British Open titles among scores of other tournaments, and former tennis world No 1 Evert won 18 Grand Slam titles.

7. " We welcome the IMF's continued support of the Linked Exchange Rate system, " Hong Kong Monetary Authority chief executive Norman Chan said yesterday.

8. His life was the basis for Norman Mailer's book " The Executioner's Song " and a TV miniseries.

9. HKMA Chief Executive Norman Chan will attend the meeting to explain the report's findings further.

10. Flight 331 lurched down the runway of Norman Manley International Airport in the Jamaican capital on Tuesday night.

norman 英英释义



1. an inhabitant of Normandy

2. Australian golfer (born in 1955)

    Synonym: Greg NormanGregory John Norman

3. United States operatic soprano (born in 1945)

    Synonym: Jessye Norman


1. of or relating to or characteristic of the Normans

    e.g. the Norman Invasion in 1066

2. of or relating to or characteristic of Normandy

    e.g. Norman beaches

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