
nuance是什么意思 nuance在线翻译 nuance什么意思 nuance的意思 nuance的翻译 nuance的解释 nuance的发音 nuance的同义词 nuance的反义词 nuance的例句

nuance [ˈnju:ɑ:ns]  [ˈnu:ɑ:ns] 

nuance 基本解释

名词细微差别; 细微的表情

nuance 网络解释

1. nuance的意思

1. 细微差别:就混杂(jumble) 一个烂死的鱼叉(lance),因无茶而冷淡(nonchalance),一个娘娘腔的男人(nance),证明艺术 的出处(provenance),钢笔记下惩罚(penance),命令变成大炮(ordnance),分开如此不和谐 (dissonance),牛的细微差别(nuance) 用树皮(bark),

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2. 细微的差异:这些细微的差异 (nuance) 在体现作品整体上起着相昔时夜的浸染. 无论一个设计的设法主意有多好,若是制作粗拙,便会失踪去魅力. 此外,若是我们要求本身注重这些细节和它们的影响,就可能会从中发现一些新的灵感和标的目的.

3. 细微的差别:这些细微的差别 (nuance) 在体现作品整体上起着相当大的作用. 无论一个设计的想法有多好,如果制作粗糙,便会失去魅力. 另外,如果我们要求自己注意这些细节和它们的影响,就可能会从中发现一些新的灵感和方向

4. 色调:暗示声部的进入及特殊效果的出现、音色的变化(包括连音、跳音、唱法)、和声的变化、织体的浓淡和声部的均衡及层次、色调(Nuance)的微妙变化、情绪(喜怒哀乐)的变化、音乐布局的处理(包括节奏的松紧、高潮的出现、对比、段落间的衔接等),

nuance 词典解释

1. (声音、感受、外貌或意义的)细微差别
    A nuance is a small difference in sound, feeling, appearance, or meaning.


    e.g. We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.

nuance 单语例句

1. The nuance seems to be lost when an emotional issue like Japan's downplaying of the Rape of Nanking in its textbooks come to the fore.

2. While there may be editing for the sake of nuance, the underlying premise of the draft report will not change.

3. Griffith praised their the big tone and precision of nuance, and the great enthusiasm with which the duo played.

4. Careful and deliberate attention is paid to each detail, resulting in dishes that demand to be assessed individually for subtlety and nuance.

5. The word in both languages carries similar nuance when its usage refers to privileges and favors accorded to those in power.

6. In the meantime he had discovered the beauty and nuance of music played on the piano.

7. The best thing to do is to savor every nuance during your brief stay.

8. Son's performance style includes a traditional nuance with contemporary pop flair.

9. Yet, another interesting statistic adds nuance to the Chinese real estate story.

10. The dining room will be decorated with typical Indonesian nuance, with the theme of " Journey through the Archipelago ".

nuance 英英释义



1. a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude

    e.g. without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor
           don't argue about shades of meaning

    Synonym: nicetyshadesubtletyrefinement

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