
number one是什么意思 number one在线翻译 number one什么意思 number one的意思 number one的翻译 number one的解释 number one的发音 number one的同义词

number one [ˈnʌmbə wʌn]  [ˈnʌmbɚ wʌn] 

第三人称复数:number ones

number one 基本解释

形容词自己的; 重要的,头号的

名词头号人物,头头,副舰长; 自身利益,自我; 尿尿,撒尿

number one 相关例句


1. Don't always think of number one.

number one 网络解释

1. number one的近义词

1. 加油长:number of package packages件数 | number one 加油长 | number one 加油长

number one 词典解释

1. 头号的;头等的;最重要的
    Number one means better, more important, or more popular than anything else of its kind.


    e.g. The economy is the number one issue by far...
    e.g. By the way, I'm your number-one fan.

2. 排行榜冠军(指周销售量最高的流行歌曲CD、歌手或乐队组合)
    In popular music, the number one is the best selling CD in any one week, or the group or person who has made that CD.

    e.g. Paula is the only artist to achieve four number ones from a debut album.

3. 只想到自己的利益;只顾自己
    If you are looking out for number one, you are thinking of yourself rather than considering other people.

    e.g. My priority is to look after number one — to create a lifestyle I am happy with.

number one 单语例句

number one

1. Zhao Benshan is one of a growing number of celebrities who attend business management programs.

2. Guo said there were a number of factors at play that convinced him that the deal was a good one.

3. Iraq's assassination victims by now number as many as a thousand, although no one keeps official count.

4. One goal is to cut the number of people living in extreme poverty by fifty percent by two thousand fifteen.

5. Organisers are hoping that by the time Sharapova turns up in Hong Kong she will be the world's number one.

6. He called this year's Berlin Film Festival a great successful one both in terms of its unprecedented number of visitors and big market expansion.

7. He spent the next hour going through the business cards one by one, calling every number in an attempt to find the owner.

8. Canon is one of a growing number of firms starting to advertise via new media, especially mobile phones.

9. Fire officials have noted an unusual number of fires in the area in recent months, including one in a nearby canyon a week ago.

10. The world number one golfer was seriously injured in a car accident on Friday, a Florida newspaper reported.

number one 英英释义


1. a reference to yourself or myself etc.
    `take care of number one' means to put your own interests first

2. the first element in a countable series

    e.g. the first of the month

    Synonym: firstnumber 1

3. the first or highest in an ordering or series

    e.g. He wanted to be the first

    Synonym: first

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