
nursery是什么意思 nursery在线翻译 nursery什么意思 nursery的意思 nursery的翻译 nursery的解释 nursery的发音 nursery的同义词 nursery的反义词

nursery [ˈnɜ:səri]  [ˈnɜ:rsəri] 


nursery 基本解释

名词苗圃; 婴儿室,幼儿园; 临时托儿所; 温床,滋生地

nursery 相关例句


1. Children in this nursery are taken good care of.

2. The nursery teacher made the children sit bolt upright.

3. We bought a small tree at the nursery.

4. nursery的反义词

4. They have two nurseries in their house.

nursery 网络解释

1. 苗圃:新加坡民航局不单管理机场,也有本地最大的苗圃(nursery)之一. 占地12公顷的苗圃,是超过1000个植物品种的温床,由承包商协助打理. 每棵植物都做有行踪纪录,保安严格. 本着以最低代价换取最大回报的宗旨,园艺组并非把每一棵贵树当成好树.

2. 托儿所:周日11:00am 托儿所(Nursery)查看这间屋子,砖砌的门,婴儿床??(crib)和积木房子. 打开放衣物的抽屉. 里面有一份出生日证明,1961,8月9日??还有一份署名为christorpherMilton的签名. 婴儿的名字被擦掉了,再仔细看看纸上的痕迹和数字,

3. 育婴室:Esther 同学在最年幼的育婴室(nursery)活动,这里是专门供0-2岁孩子玩耍的,里面除了游戏室,还有专门供妈妈们喂奶的房间;还有给孩子们睡觉的房间 (里面有三四张crib还有一个专门换尿布的房间,里面堆满了大大小小的尿布和一个changing table.

4. 育儿所:斯皮茨的被试主要来自育儿所(Nursery)和育婴之家(Foundling Home)这两种寄养机构中照看的婴儿. 育儿所是一种隶属于刑事系统中的特殊的婴儿照看场所. 违法的妇女在这里生育孩子. 在这里,所有的喂养、照看等任务都是由母亲自己完成.

nursery 词典解释

1. 托儿所
    A nursery is a place where children who are not old enough to go to school are looked after.


    e.g. This nursery will be able to cater for 29 children...
    e.g. Her company ran its own workplace nursery.

2. 幼儿园;幼稚园
    Nursery is a school for very young children.

    e.g. An affordable nursery education service is an essential basic amenity.
    e.g. ...a nursery teacher.

3. 育儿室;儿童房
    A nursery is a room in a family home in which the young children of the family sleep or play.

    e.g. He has painted murals in his children's nursery.

4. 苗圃
    A nursery is a place where plants are grown in order to be sold.

    e.g. The garden, developed over the past 35 years, includes a nursery.

nursery 单语例句

1. Cancun residents have crowded the nursery ward's window to see Antonio Vasconcelos, who was born early Monday by Caesarean section.

2. Some went to the length of camping out in tents erected in front of the nursery while they awaited a response.

3. At that time the cot for baby Y was placed outside the room, since the nursery was already filled to capacity.

4. The nursery rhyme saved the day, and the company was none the wiser.

5. The nursery school serves two hot meals and a hearty snack every day to 160 students.

6. These include provisions of good daytime childcare and nursery services, extension of the paid maternity leave and better working and living conditions.

7. Workers at the Bifengxia base rushed to build 16 prefabricated dens and a nursery.

8. It has established several bases for experimentation, demonstration and seed nursery as well as corresponding gene pools.

9. The expert opinion comes after a small number of epidemics were reported in some nursery schools and kindergartens in early March.

10. A huge car bomb has exploded at a government building in Oklahoma City killing at least 80 people including 17 children attending a nursery there.

nursery 英英释义


1. a building with glass walls and roof
    for the cultivation and exhibition of plants under controlled conditions

    Synonym: greenhouseglasshouse

2. a child's room for a baby

    Synonym: baby's room

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