
nursing home是什么意思 nursing home在线翻译 nursing home什么意思 nursing home的意思 nursing home的翻译 nursing home的解释 nursing home的发音

nursing home [ˈnɜ:sɪŋ həum]  [ˈnə:sɪŋ hom] 

nursing home 基本解释



nursing home 网络解释

1. 疗养院:2月17日天空飘下冰雨,湿冷的雨水降到地面,一遇到低温形成一层透明薄冰,不论行走、开车都很容易打滑,造成事故,於是心中不免担心,下午Heritage疗养院 (Nursing Home)新春活动的参与情况.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 护理院:这类服务提供者主要有两类:护理院(nursing home)、部分生活辅助设施(assisted living facility)、附设在医院里的护理或康复设施、临终关怀机构. 在机构里的老年人一般称之为居民(residents),而不是患者(patients).

3. 疗养所:服务于医院药房的药师数约占20%(19 603人 而疗养所(nursing home)的药师仅占1.6%(1 551人). 其他分布情况为: 制药公司2 476人, 药学院或系1 288人, 余情况不明. 学会活动相当广泛, 如研讨建立专业标准、 制订政策、 鼓励研究及交流专业内外有兴趣的事宜.

4. nursing home在线翻译

4. 养老院:假设你是某中学学生王假,在重阳节来临之际,你班组织全体学生到养老院(Nursing Home)慰问老人. 请根据当天的活动内容写一篇日记. 对象:眼科医生(eye-doctor)王教授主题:我国中小学生近视(short-sighted-ness)问题

nursing home 词典解释

1. 私人疗养院;(尤指)私立养老院
    A nursing home is a private hospital, especially one for old people.

    e.g. He died in a nursing home at the age of 87.

nursing home 单语例句

1. BEIJING - Beijing is to build a massive nursing home in its downtown area to cater for rising demand for senior care.

2. Senior citizens practice traditional Chinese drawing at a community nursing home in northern China's Tianjin city.

3. The two studies Hansen and his colleagues reviewed included a total of 110 nursing home residents with dementia.

4. The Yamaguchi prefectural government had asked the SDF to dispatch a rescue unit to the nursing home housing around 90 elderly people.

5. She lived alone in their farmhouse until age 100, when she moved into a son's home and later to the Shelbyville nursing home.

6. The Alabama Nursing Home Association said it was her friendliness and warmth that won her the title.

7. The department also urged lower governmental levels to improve nursing home staffs'awareness and responsibility after the media disclosed the abuse scandal.

8. The majority of people aged 90 and older report having one or more disabilities, living alone or in a nursing home and having graduated from high school.

9. The first hint that it might have other uses came a few years later when it appeared to improve Parkinson's symptoms in nursing home patients.

10. The passionate soccer fan celebrated her birthday in a nursing home in the northern Dutch town of Hoogeveen.

nursing home

nursing home 英英释义


1. an institution where people are cared for

    e.g. a home for the elderly

    Synonym: homerest home

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