
oblique是什么意思 oblique在线翻译 oblique什么意思 oblique的意思 oblique的翻译 oblique的解释 oblique的发音 oblique的同义词 oblique的反义词

oblique [əˈbli:k]  [oˈblik, əˈblik] 


oblique 基本解释

形容词斜,倾斜的; [数]非直角的,非垂直的,斜角,斜面; 拐弯抹角的,间接的; 暗中的



oblique 相关例句


1. oblique的近义词

1. He made an oblique reference to his work.

2. oblique的意思

2. He drew an oblique line form one corner of the paper to the other.

3. oblique

3. She made an oblique reference to her own affairs.

oblique 网络解释

1. 间接:原始印欧语(PIE)有正规的 ablaut 序列构成自五个元音 e/ē/o/ō/. 这意味着在同一个词的不同形式,或不同但相关的词中,基本元音短 /e/,可以被替代为长 /ē/,短 /o/ 或长 /ō/,或者省略(表示为 ). 名词的间接(oblique)单数/双数/复数,宾格复数.

2. oblique的意思

2. 倾斜:但是倾斜(oblique)的typeface 却是直接拿正体字property,常常用在对话框或者表单(form)中. 当设定窗口大小符合内容的尺寸时,你也常在WPF 中,UIElement是一个极为重要的类.

3. 斜位:MIP)能利用阈值与邻近组织分离提取,是各种三维显示基本手法;多平面重建(Multi-Planar Volume Reconstruction, MPVR)和利用旋转的斜位(Oblique)的Reformat重建(包括冠状位、矢状位和横断位)的多方位观察最能真实体现血管的形态,

4. oblique的翻译

4. 斜体:倾斜体(oblique)被simplicity倾斜的表示,就好像是设计过的一样. 因为中文字体的情况,斜体字(italic)和倾斜体(oblique)并没有太大的区别. 一般多使用前一个.

oblique 词典解释

1. 不直截了当的;拐弯抹角的
    If you describe a statement as oblique, you mean that is not expressed directly or openly, making it difficult to understand.


    e.g. It was an oblique reference to his mother...
    e.g. Mr Golding delivered an oblique warning, talking of the danger of sudden action.

He obliquely referred to the US, Britain and Saudi Arabia.

2. (线或角)斜的,倾斜的,偏斜的
    An oblique line is a straight line that is not horizontal or vertical. An oblique angle is any angle other than a right angle.


    e.g. It lies between the plain and the sea at an oblique angle to the coastline.

This muscle runs obliquely downwards inside the abdominal cavity.

oblique 单语例句


1. One film has an oblique ending that's left some viewers dissatisfied and others floored by its profundity.

2. The Spurs were missing Manu Ginobili, who's out with a strained left oblique.

3. There even was an oblique reference to a " twilight struggle " as the US relentlessly pursues those who threaten the country.

4. The first is the nose which looks a little oblique to the right.

5. Obama's criticisms were direct, while Clinton's were oblique but unmistakable.

6. The only sour note for the US team came when third baseman Chipper Jones was sidelined by a strained right external oblique muscle.

oblique 英英释义



1. a diagonally arranged abdominal muscle on either side of the torso

    Synonym: external oblique musclemusculus obliquus externus abdominisabdominal external oblique muscle

2. any grammatical case other than the nominative

    Synonym: oblique case



1. indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way

    e.g. used devious means to achieve success
           gave oblique answers to direct questions
           oblique political maneuvers

    Synonym: devious

2. slanting or inclined in direction or course or position--neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angled

    e.g. the oblique rays of the winter sun
           acute and obtuse angles are oblique angles
           the axis of an oblique cone is not perpendicular to its base

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