
officer是什么意思 officer在线翻译 officer什么意思 officer的意思 officer的翻译 officer的解释 officer的发音 officer的同义词 officer的反义词

officer [ˈɒfɪsə(r)]  [ˈɔ:fɪsə(r)] 


officer 基本解释

名词军官,警官; 高级职员; 公务员; 船长

动词指挥; 统率; 管理; 配置军官

officer 反义词




officer 相关例句


1. officer什么意思

1. The army was officered by brave men.


1. The officers live here, and the enlisted men over there.

2. A police officer came to our help when our car broke down on the way.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. Bank officers are well-paid.

officer 情景对话

At the Airport-(在机场)

A:Is the nine o'clock flight from Montreal on time?


B:Flight 496? No, it's running twenty minutes behind.They're due on the field at nine twentyfive. Probably Gate 34.
      是496航班吗?不,它晚点二十分钟。 应该在九点二十五分着陆,大概是34号门。

A:I have reservations on Flight 27 to Mexico City.

B:May I see your tickets, please? You confirmed your reservations?


A:Yes, this afternoon.

B:Here we are, Mrs.Jonhnson. Do you have any baggage?

A:No. Just this overnight case.

B:Fine. Let's see, now. flight 27 is right on time.You'll be leaving from Gate 13 on the eastern concourse.

A:Is there anything else to do before flight time?


B:No, ma'am. Just show your ticket to the boarding officer as you get on the plane. The rest is our job. Have a good trip, Mrs.Johnson.



A:You've traveled abroad a lot, Jim, so would you like to tell me something about clearing customs.

B:When you arrive in a country, you clear customs. A lot of countries have two channels: the green channel and the red channel. Some countries, like India, have three channels: the white channel, the green channel and the red channel.


A:Then what are the differences between the green channel and red channel?


B:If you have more than the duty-free allowances or prohibited goods, you go through the red channel and declare them to a customs officer. If you otherwise have nothing to declare, you go straight through the green channel unless you are asked to stop by an officer. 如果你携带的东西超出免税的范围或属于禁带物品,你


A:I see.I'm told that we'll have to state the purpose of going to a certain country, is it true?

B:That's right. People go aboard for different purposes: some for pleasure, some on vacation, some on business, and some for other purposes.

A:I'm going to New Zealand for sightseeing. What should I say if they ask about my purpose?

B:Just saying "sightseeing" is OK.

officer 网络解释

1. 警官:才靠近门口而已,一个小女孩Darathy和机器人Toto就向你求援:原来有个警官(officer)拿着炸药,威胁要炸掉发电厂. 这种重大的事情当然要帮忙罗,於是你随着小女孩进去找那个警官谈判-说话技巧不高明的角色请先存档.

officer 词典解释

1. 军官
    In the armed forces, an officer is a person in a position of authority.

    e.g. ...a retired British army officer...
    e.g. Her husband served during the Civil War as an officer in the White Army.

2. (机构的)高级职员;(尤指政府机构的)官员,公务员
    An officer is a person who has a responsible position in an organization, especially a government organization.

    e.g. ...a local authority education officer.

3. 警察;警官
    Members of the police force can be referred to as officers .


    e.g. ...senior officers in the West Midlands police force...
    e.g. Thank you, Officer.

4. see also: commanding officer;petty officer;pilot officer;police officer;probation officer;returning officer;warrant officer

officer 单语例句


1. After police arrested him and two more officers arrived, police said the father pulled out a butcher knife and tried to stab an officer.

2. " Exercising with an Indian warship is a valuable opportunity for the Navy, " said Te Mana commanding officer Commander John Butcher.

3. An officer from the Municipal Health Office pointed out that in recent years, death caused by chronic disease accounts for above 85 percent of all recent deaths.

4. " It's done quite a bit of damage, " a police officer in Joplin told Reuters by telephone.

5. A police officer by the name of Zhang Ninghai unfortunately lost his life while searching for the students.

6. He added that a comprehensive review of the procedures has been conducted but he did not reveal whether the concerned officer will face disciplinary action.

7. He said the PLA Garrison would fully cooperate with the police and the judiciary, while that officer would be subject to disciplinary action based on military rules.

8. An Israeli Cabinet minister apologized yesterday after being caught by television cameras using a racial slur in addressing an Arab police officer.

9. One officer cadet had his wallet, jacket and mobile stolen from a lounge while he was eating lunch in the mess.

10. Nokia's Chief Financial Officer Rick Simonson told Bloomberg TV it was too early to call the bottom of the market.

officer 英英释义


1. any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command

    e.g. an officer is responsible for the lives of his men

    Synonym: military officer

2. someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust

    e.g. he is an officer of the court
           the club elected its officers for the coming year

    Synonym: officeholder

3. a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel

    e.g. he is the officer in charge of the ship's engines

    Synonym: ship's officer

4. a member of a police force

    e.g. it was an accident, officer

    Synonym: policemanpolice officer


1. direct or command as an officer

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