
offshore是什么意思 offshore在线翻译 offshore什么意思 offshore的意思 offshore的翻译 offshore的解释 offshore的发音 offshore的同义词

offshore [ˌɒfˈʃɔ:(r)]  [ˌɔ:fˈʃɔ:(r)] 

offshore 基本解释

形容词近海的; 离开海岸的; 海外的,国外的


offshore 反义词


offshore 网络解释

1. 海上:油井也可以分为路上(onshore)与海上(offshore),但油井本身并无多大区别. 油井还可以分为:野猫井(wildcat well):在边缘地区(frontier area)钻的碰运气的井.

2. 离岸的:1、本公司在嵌入式软件开发,尤其是智能手机软件开发领域将形成以在芬兰在岸(Onshore)、罗马尼亚近岸(Nearshore)、中国离岸的(Offshore)开发体系和格局,进一步密切与客户的合作关系,本地化服务能力、通过与中国开发团队的资源整合,

3. 海外:提交申请并等待审批的普通技术移民(gsm)申请者在本次政策改变过程中,移民部将为2007年9月1日以前提交的海外(offshore)移民申请设定最大数量. 也就是说,超过该定额的申请奖杯取消,该申请所附带的所有温江将被寄回原申请人,

offshore 词典解释

1. 近岸的;近海的
    Offshore means situated or happening in the sea, near to the coast.

    e.g. ...Britain's offshore oil industry.
    e.g. ...offshore islands.

2. (风)向海的,离岸的
    An offshore wind blows from the land towards the sea.

    e.g. ...a strong off-shore wind.

3. (投资或公司)设在海外(尤指税制较宽松的岛屿)的,离岸的
    Offshore investments or companies are located in a place, usually an island, which has fewer tax regulations than most other countries.

    e.g. The island offers a wide range of offshore banking facilities.

offshore 单语例句

1. China National Offshore Oil Corp withdrew its bid to buy Unocal Oil Co in 2005 after many US lawmakers objected on national security grounds.

2. The example often cited is China National Offshore Oil Corporation's thwarted attempt to buy Unocal in 2005.

3. Most shellfish in the offshore areas were tainted with excessive harmful chemicals such as lead, cadmium and the insecticide DDT.

4. The report showed that in 2005 inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate were the main pollutants in offshore seawater.

5. In all of the four offshore sea areas, inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate were found.

6. Citigroup upgraded China Oilfield Services Ltd to buy from hold yesterday after the mainland's top offshore specialist CNOOC announced strong capital expenditure for this year.

7. Experimental schemes may also cover areas of venture capital, foreign exchange administration and offshore banking.

8. The Caspian's offshore borders have been in limbo since the 1991 Soviet collapse.

9. But with the rapid development of the offshore yuan businesses in Hong Kong, it is only a matter of time before the city catches up with its rivals.

10. The depth and offshore location of Tuesday's quake helped limit the damage that might have occurred had the earthquake been centered under a city.

offshore 英英释义


1. (of winds) coming from the land

    e.g. offshore winds

    Synonym: seaward

2. at some distance from the shore

    e.g. offshore oil reserves
           an offshore island


1. away from shore
    away from land

    e.g. cruising three miles offshore

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