
oily是什么意思 oily在线翻译 oily什么意思 oily的意思 oily的翻译 oily的解释 oily的发音 oily的同义词 oily的反义词 oily的例句 oily的相关词组

oily [ˈɔɪli]  [ˈɔɪli] 


oily 基本解释

形容词油腻的; 油的,油质的; 含油的,油多的; 油滑的,会奉承的

oily 网络解释

1. (油性皮肤):护肤当然也是女士们最感兴趣的一个话题,如何去黑头(blackheadsrefining)、去死皮(exfoliatingscrub混合性皮肤(combinationskin)、干性皮肤(dryskin)、中性皮肤(normal)、油性皮肤(oily)几种肤质该如何区分?

2. 油性:19.中性 normal | 20.油性 oily | 21.干性 dry

3. 油的:oilstone 油磨刀石 | oily 油的 | oink 呼噜声

4. 太油:lukewarm : 微温 | oily : 太油 | rare : 生一点

oily 词典解释

1. 涂油的;含油的;油腻的
    Something that is oily is covered with oil or contains oil.


    e.g. He was wiping his hands on an oily rag...
    e.g. When she was younger, she had very oily skin...

2. 似油的;油状的;油味的
    Oily means looking, feeling, tasting, or smelling like oil.

    e.g. ...traces of an oily substance.
    e.g. ...a medium dry wine with an oily, spicy flavour.

3. 油滑的;谄媚的;逢迎的
    If you describe someone as oily, you dislike them because you think they are too polite or say exaggeratedly nice things, and are insincere.

    e.g. He had behaved with undue and oily familiarity...
    e.g. The older man asked in his oily voice what he could do for them today.

oily 单语例句

1. He added that the company is focusing on depleting the oily mud in the vicinity of Platform C in a very shallow area.

2. Those are in addition to the typical tastes of Cantonese cuisine - oily chicken, golden roast pigeon and marinated goose liver.

3. But I broke the wrapping carelessly and the two different kinds of soup mixed together making the flavour somewhat disappointing and also too oily.

4. " The oily smoke impaired the cellular tissues in their respiratory system and subsequently caused cancer, " said He.

5. One Beijing resident commented online that her daughter's inexplicable oily excretions a month ago were caused by eating oilfish sold as cod.

6. The crab meat tasted especially fresh and tender, with a savoury curry sauce that was a bit oily.

7. It is good to cut down on oily, fried food and desserts.

8. The cuttlefish slices are partly fried to give them a golden color, but they are not oily.

9. You'll need to shake off your anxieties about oily foods and just dig in.

10. After being braised and steamed for more than 4 hours, the meat becomes elastic but not oily.

oily 英英释义


1. smeared or soiled with grease or oil

    e.g. greasy coveralls
           get rid of rubbish and oily rags

    Synonym: greasy

2. containing an unusual amount of grease or oil

    e.g. greasy hamburgers
           oily fried potatoes
           oleaginous seeds

    Synonym: greasysebaceousoleaginous

3. coated or covered with oil

    e.g. oily puddles in the streets

4. unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech

    e.g. buttery praise
           gave him a fulsome introduction
           an oily sycophantic press agent
           oleaginous hypocrisy
           smarmy self-importance
           the unctuous Uriah Heep
           soapy compliments

    Synonym: butteryfulsomeoleaginoussmarmysoapyunctuous

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