
optimum是什么意思 optimum在线翻译 optimum什么意思 optimum的意思 optimum的翻译 optimum的解释 optimum的发音 optimum的同义词 optimum的反义词

optimum [ˈɒptɪməm]  [ˈɑ:ptɪməm] 

第三人称复数:optima; optimums

optimum 基本解释


名词最佳效果; 最适宜条件; [生物学] 最适度

optimum 网络解释

1. 最适:土地(Land)及其较狭义的活动可提升(Enhance)人文、社会、自然生态或降低及破坏环境(含资源)的维生最适(Optimum)且持续的利益(服务及产品). 永续发展意指发展要确保满足品(Goods and services)以达成其被赋予的使命与任务.

2. 优化:针对相互联系的活动,企业可以采取协调(coordination)和最优化(optimum)两种策略来提高效率或降低成本. 作业影响成木,动因影响作业,因此动因是引起成本发生的根本原因. 成本动因可分为两个层次:一是微观层次的与企业的具体生产作业相关的成本动因,

3. 最适度:并提出最适度(Optimum)的观念,即忍耐的最小限度与忍耐的最大限度之间有一个最适生存之范围. 限制因子Limiting◎中庸之道 中国人讲中庸之道和生态的常态分布相似,常态分布的两边就是两极端,中庸和最适度(Optimum)的观念相当.

optimum 词典解释

1. 最优的;最佳的;最适宜的
    The optimum or optimal level or state of something is the best level or state that it could achieve.


    e.g. Aim to do some physical activity three times a week for optimum health.
    e.g. ...regions in which optimal conditions for farming can be created.

optimum 单语例句

1. Europe may never be an " optimum " currency area by any standard.

2. Can the capital accommodate more people, or has its population reached the optimum level?

3. It's also important to use some product with optimum color protection because the sun oxidizes hair and makes it discolored and fragile.

4. The emir also pledged Qatar's contribution to green technologies which can help strike an optimum equilibrium between the need for energy and emission reduction.

5. As decisive action is delayed in the hope of choosing the optimum moment, international pressure for renminbi revaluation continues.

6. They save the former money and deprive the latter of optimum profit, and are the subject of discussion on almost every game website.

7. Science and technology exist to help us keep our heritage, not to reduce us to an economically optimum existence that has no richness.

8. She recommend four to five servings of vegetables every day for optimum health.

9. The optimum pathway of keeping within global ecological limits will continue to be under discussion.

10. Engineering refinements and intelligent lightweight technology provided more space within the interior, optimum weight and improved occupant safety.

optimum 英英释义


1. most favorable conditions or greatest degree or amount possible under given circumstances



1. most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied

    e.g. an optimum return on capital
           optimal concentration of a drug

    Synonym: optimal

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