
orbit是什么意思 orbit在线翻译 orbit什么意思 orbit的意思 orbit的翻译 orbit的解释 orbit的发音 orbit的同义词 orbit的反义词 orbit的例句

orbit [ˈɔ:bɪt]  [ˈɔ:rbɪt] 


orbit 基本解释

名词轨道; 眼眶; 势力范围; (人生的)旅程,生活过程


不及物动词盘旋; 绕轨道运行

及物动词绕轨道而行; 进入轨道


orbit 相关例句


1. The earth orbits the sun.

2. The space shuttle will orbit a weather satellite.


1. The spaceship orbited the moon.

2. The plane is orbiting over the field, waiting for the signal to land.


1. They knew each other by sight, but their orbits did not touch.

orbit 网络解释

1. 轨道:达蒙或许主要以一个成为选集编者和编辑的批评先驱者而闻名,他那部新颖的选集<<轨道>>(Orbit)尤其为人称道,但他也创作了伟大的短篇小说. 他最近的小说有CV乌托邦三部曲和<<为什么会是鸟?>>(Why Do Birds?, 1992). 克雷斯,

2. 眶:眼眶(orbit)是位于颅顶骨和颅面骨之间的两个骨腔,左右各一,两侧对称. 眼眶呈梨形,底向前,尖向后. 前为眶缘,呈开口状,后为眶尖,由孔、裂与颅腔相通. 成人眶深为4-5cm,容积25-28ml,眶腔最大径在眶上缘之后1-1.5cm,相当于眼球赤道部的位置.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 眼眶:(五)眼眶(orbit) 眼眶系一空腔,由上、下、内、外四壁构成,底向前、尖朝后. 眼眶四壁除外侧壁较坚固外,其它三壁骨质菲薄,并与副鼻窦相邻,故一侧副鼻窦有病变时,可累及同侧的眶内组织. 1.视网膜中央静脉(central retinal vein) 和同名动脉伴行,

4. orbit的解释

4. 轨迹:弹道导弹射到太空后,须使它不真正进入轨迹 (Orbit) ,目的是不使它绕地球周而复始地飞行,而要使它呈抛物线状在太空绕地球飞一段距离(不满一周)后,不需用返回地球的火箭,又重回地球大气层,

5. orbit:on – line real – time branch information transmission; 在线实时分割信息传送(IBM的)

orbit 词典解释

1. (天体等运行的)轨道
    An orbit is the curved path in space that is followed by an object going round and round a planet, moon, or star.


    e.g. Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time...
    e.g. The planet is probably in orbit around a small star.

2. 环绕…的轨道运行
    If something such as a satellite orbits a planet, moon, or sun, it moves around it in a continuous, curving path.

    e.g. In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to orbit the earth.

3. (影响所及的)范围,领域,圈子
    The orbit of a particular person, group, or institution is the area over which they have influence.

    e.g. In the late 1970s Laos fell within the orbit of Vietnam and the Soviet Union.

orbit 单语例句


1. Ahmadinejad said the satellite reached its orbit and had made contact with ground stations, though not all of its functions were active yet.

2. Mars Express hit orbit on Christmas Day and began transmitting its first data from the planet this month.

3. The chief scientist said the satellite will slow down as it nears its destination, then circle the moon three times before settling into the orbit planned for it.

4. The probe flew in an orbit 200 km high and spent seven days circling the Earth before entering the transfer orbit.

5. It will then shift to a circular orbit with an altitude of 343 km.

6. The geostationary orbit meteorological satellites are capable of continuously monitoring and identifying dangerous climatic conditions like typhoons and storms.

7. The assisting astronaut will then return to the orbit module and close the door.

8. NASA wants to avoid a repeat of the Columbia mission, when a slab of insulating foam gashed its wing as it hurtled toward orbit.

9. The strike did not significantly alter the comet's orbit around the sun, and NASA said the experiment does not pose any danger to the Earth.

10. Its commercial aerospace agency regularly boosts satellites into orbit for foreign customers.

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