
ordination是什么意思 ordination在线翻译 ordination什么意思 ordination的意思 ordination的翻译 ordination的解释 ordination的发音 ordination的同义词

ordination [ˌɔ:dɪˈneɪʃn]  [ˌɔ:rdnˈeɪʃn] 


ordination 基本解释

名词任命; [宗]圣职授任; 分类,排成等级

ordination 网络解释

1. 排序:植物种与环境间的关系是植被生态学研究的重要内容之一. 但是,我们经常在选择研究植物与环境关系显得很茫然,不知道从何下手. 简单说,最主要有两种方法:排序(ordination)和广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Model,GLM).

2. 按立:」1.按立(Ordination)--此乃关于候选人的呼召与考试,亦为长老监督会(Classis)之一种规例. 提摩太前书四章十四节说:「你不要轻忽所得的恩赐,就是从前藉着预言、在众长老按手的时候赐给你的.

3. (授职礼):除了洗礼和主餐之外,上古时期教会还发展出坚信礼(confirmation)、 告解礼(penance)、授职礼(ordination)、婚礼(holy matrimony)以及临终膏油礼(ultimate unction)等圣礼,然而在西元五百年以前,这些定规出来的圣礼还并未完全的发展出来.

4. ordination在线翻译

4. 剃度:454.Gautama 乔答摩 | 455.ordination 剃度 | 456.Bhagawan 世尊

ordination 词典解释

1. 授圣职(礼)
    When someone's ordination takes place, they are made a member of the clergy.

    e.g. ...supporters of the ordination of women.
    e.g. ...the process of selecting candidates for ordination.

ordination 单语例句

1. A leading Chinese Catholic has defended independent selection and ordination of bishops as the only right path for the spreading of Gospel in China.

2. He urged to continue the selection and ordination work in order to fill the vacancies of bishops and advance the development of Catholicism in China.

3. " Li's ordination will help improve church management in the diocese, " Liu said.

4. The Archbishop of Canterbury has no authority to discipline any of the national churches, which have previously divided over the ordination of women as priests and bishops.

5. Differences remain between China and the Vatican on the ordination of bishops.

6. It criticized the latter's selection and ordination of bishops without Vatican involvement and requested the suspension of such independent practice.

7. The Chinese Catholic society has vowed to adhere to independent selection and ordination of bishops and management of its churches.

8. China on Sunday regrets the Vatican's criticism of its ordination of two Catholic bishops, saying the accusations were " unfounded ".

9. They took the names of saints upon their ordination in the Catholic church.

10. " Its accusation after the ordination also makes no sense, " he said.

ordination 英英释义


1. the act of ordaining
    the act of conferring (or receiving) holy orders

    e.g. the rabbi's family was present for his ordination

    Synonym: ordinance

2. logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements

    e.g. we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation

    Synonym: orderingorder

3. the status of being ordained to a sacred office

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