
other one是什么意思 other one在线翻译 other one什么意思 other one的意思 other one的翻译 other one的解释 other one的发音 other one的同义词

other one [ˈʌðə(r wʌn]  [ˈʌðər wʌn] 

other one 基本解释


other one 情景对话


A:What’s the cheapest way to go there?

B:By subway.

other one的反义词

A:Oh, is that right? Is there a subway station near here?

B:Yes, there is one on the other side of the building.

A:Good. Can I walk through this building?

other one什么意思

B:I’m afraid you can’t. You’ll have to go out there and walk around.

other one的反义词

A:I see. Thank you.

Car Crash-(车祸)

other one在线翻译

A:That looks like a bad accident.

other one的意思

B:Yeah, should we get out and help?


A:No, there’s a police car behind us. He’ll stop.


B:Looks like the one guy lost control in all this rain, and the other one hit him.


A:Yeah. It’s pretty bad, that car looks like a coke can.

B:These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days.

other one

A:Yeah, it looks like we’re in for a long drive.

B:Ah, well. Put on the news. I got up late and missed it.

other one的翻译

A:All right.


A:Where are you going?

B:I’m just off to the gym.

A:You’re always going to the gym these days.

B:Yes, I’m trying to lose some weight. Once I turned 30, everything started going downhill.
      对,我在想办法减肥,一到30 岁一切情况都开始下降了。

other one

A:Well, I think you look great! Where’s the gym?

other one的反义词

B:It’s not far from here at all. Do you know Mr. Gold’s Gym?
      离这儿不是很远。你知道 Gold 先生健身房吗?

A:Yes. The one by the Farmer’s Market?

other one的反义词

B:No, the other one—the one by Big Lake.

A:I didn’t know that had two locations now.

B:It just opened. I signed up for a gym membership on the opening day and got it for half the price.

other one的反义词

A:Do they have trainers there to help you?

B:Yes, on the first day, they assigned me a trainer who gave me a fitness test. I had to do some running on the treadmill, some sit ups, push ups, and some weight lifting. He asked me about my goals, and then came up with a plan just for me.

other one的近义词

A:That sounds great. Is it working?

B:I think so. I feel much better anyway!

other one 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 其他的:30. 喝的东西 something to drink | 31. 其他的 other one | 32. 在...方面好;善于 be good at

other one 单语例句

1. The company will split its business into two branches in the future, with one entity to develop educational products and the other to provide education and training.

2. One of the mistresses who lost in the contest drove the businessman and the four other women off a mountain road for revenge.

3. One was shot in the back and the other in the buttocks, and both were listed in serious condition.

4. Sweeting sometimes sings by himself, and other times he performs with one of the Chinese vocalists that he tutors.

5. Two other US troops were killed in separate attacks in the south - one in a bombing and the other by small arms fire.

6. He conveyed his sympathies to the families of two British soldiers killed over the weekend, one in southern Iraq and the other by small arms fire in Afghanistan.

7. Four of them resigned and the other one was removed after a document was issued earlier this month by the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress.

8. One is jointly owned by Cai and Shi and the other is under the name of Cai.

9. One Discovery employee told an operator that she was hiding in the kitchen of the building's cafeteria with other employees.

10. That calamity came as 10 other people were killed in another crash, this one in Southwest China's Sichuan Province yesterday.

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