
others是什么意思 others在线翻译 others什么意思 others的意思 others的翻译 others的解释 others的发音 others的同义词 others的反义词 others的例句



others 基本解释

其他的;别的( other的名词复数 );另一个;其余的;

others 网络解释

1. 其他类:如何利用电脑网络学习英语 随着电脑网络的发展,电脑辅助语言学习(CALL)得到进一步的应用,通常我们通过各种手段来辅助英语学习,但利用因特网学习英语同其他的手段相比,它有许多优点,如:信息量大, 因特网上的...其他类(Others) 其他肉类 ...

2. 其他产品:形成光滑细腻的口感. 同时也提高冰淇淋的耐热性, 让造型摆放的时间更持久. 产品类别:其他产品(OTHERS) 产品名称:乳化剂 产品(英文)名称:FABBRISOFF 产品编号:FB9238035-K25 产品产地:意大利(ITALY) 产品规格:5.0kg/桶(tin)

others 单语例句

1. Six are former officials at local sports lottery administrative centres, while the others were a private business man and his five partners.

2. Investigations also found that Zhang gained " huge profits " from illegal business operations, fabricated facts to frame others and led a corrupt life.

3. Others said the carpool practice might harm taxi drivers'business and reduce tax income for the government.

4. For him, an important rule in his business sector is respecting others'patent rights.

5. I wish to tell this lady that we are too busy with our own affairs to interfere in others'internal affairs.

6. All eight chairs were occupied and all the three stylists were busy snipping away, with hordes of others waiting their turn patiently.

7. But for others, there is more than money that makes them happy.

8. China wants to develop peacefully, but what if others do not want China to develop peacefully?

9. Some hats had wide ribbons tied into big butterfly knots, while others sported giant silk flowers.

10. But developing the habit of pressing the right button can save electricity and the time of both the person pressing the button and others.

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