
outflank是什么意思 outflank在线翻译 outflank什么意思 outflank的意思 outflank的翻译 outflank的解释 outflank的发音 outflank的同义词

outflank [ˌaʊtˈflæŋk]  [aʊtˈflæŋk] 


outflank 基本解释



outflank 网络解释

1. 包抄:outfitter 旅行用品商 | outflank 包抄 | outflow 流出

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 边路进攻:playmaker进攻组织者 | outflank边路进攻 | fast break快攻

3. 包抄/挫败/迂回:outfitter /旅行用品商/运动用具商/ | outflank /包抄/挫败/迂回/ | outflow /流出/流出物/外流/

4. outflank

4. 翼侧包抄:stalemate困境,僵局 | outflank翼侧包抄 | Kublai Khan 忽必烈

outflank 双语例句

1. Not possessing the strength to outflank it, the 43rd Division was called up to take over the lead, work their way around the enemy positions and make contact with the Poles at Driel.

2. It must have been possible to outflank them in some way.

3. If your flank march is going well, the enemy expects you to outflank him.

4. When you get behind a slow driver and you hear Sinker tell you to outflank that SOB.

5. Why had it not been possible to outflank them in some way?

6. Several of them outflank in from the gate, and some others climb up the staircase, just about to jump on the rails. He is at the end of the road.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. As Moscow and Washington discuss nuclear disarmament and joust over " spheres of influence ", we see a wealthy and confident China moving to outflank both in a most unlikely arena.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. Even if we could outflank them down the stairwell.

9. outflank的反义词

9. Get them to think of a negotiation as a joint effort to solve a crossword puzzle, not as a chess game where one side is trying to outflank the other.

10. outflank的反义词

10. He had tried to outflank them

11. Wouldn't you rather outflank him on the left?

12. By sending infantry over the surrounding heights, however, the army was able to outflank the resistance swiftly.

13. We can outflank our opponent by lowering the price and providing better service.

14. outflank

14. In order to get accomplishment and to avoid punishment children learn self-control, tolerance, disguise, outflank and palter.

15. In Japan SoftBank was able to outflank competitors by simultaneously building an acceptable network and offering cheaper tariffs.

16. You're gonna outflank the terrorists?

17. outflank是什么意思

17. They'll go around the bridge and try to outflank you.

18. outflank的反义词

18. The survey helps explain why Mr Romney and Mr Obama have been trying to outflank each other in appearing the more aggressive towards Chinese economic policies.

19. However, he also conceded that " there is a defensive component " to the decision as Google tries to prevent Microsoft from using its dominant Internet Explorer browser to outflank it.

20. An attempt to outflank the main force.

outflank 词典解释

1. 侧翼包抄
    In a battle, when one group of soldiers outflanks another, it succeeds in moving past the other group in order to be able to attack it from the side.

    e.g. ...plans designed by General Schwarzkopf to outflank them from the west.

2. 占…的上风
    If you outflank someone, you succeed in getting into a position where you can defeat them, for example in an argument.


    e.g. He had tried to outflank them...
    e.g. His own ideas were outflanked by those of more radical reformers.

outflank 单语例句

1. Here are some key ways foreign companies can outflank their local competition.

2. We initially thought she was mad and since we were relatively youthful managed to outflank her.

outflank 英英释义



1. get the better of

    e.g. the goal was to best the competition

    Synonym: outdotrumpbestscoop

2. go around the flank of (an opposing army)

    Synonym: go around

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