
outing是什么意思 outing在线翻译 outing什么意思 outing的意思 outing的翻译 outing的解释 outing的发音 outing的同义词 outing的反义词 outing的例句

outing [ˈaʊtɪŋ]  [ˈaʊtɪŋ] 


outing 基本解释

名词远足,郊游,短途旅行; 散步

动词伸出( out的现在分词); 揭露


outing 相关例句


1. I think we should postpone the outing.

outing 网络解释

1. outing的近义词

1. 郊游:与你不利;也不要吵闹,争执谁是谁非,而要等待警察来处理. 在美国,很多人喜欢户外活动,或者为了增强体质,或者纯粹为了娱乐. 春天的时候气候温暖宜人,人们喜欢来到野外从事诸如野餐(picnic)、郊游(outing)、打高尔夫球(golf)等活动.

2. outing是什么意思

2. 外出:<<外出>>(Outing)包含了获悉各自的配偶发生交通意外的消息而到医院的男女主角在发现了彼此的配偶有著一段通*关系后,在痛苦之中陷入了一场危险爱情的一个故事.

3. 远足:1901年威廉.寇比(william colby)组织了到约塞米蒂山谷(yosemite valley)的第一次塞拉俱乐部户外远足(outing). 一年一度的高级旅行(high trips)由造诣很高的登山家们领导(他们中有些是塞拉俱乐部的理事),如弗朗西斯.p.法克尔(francis p.

4. 出游:可是大多数的家庭在有了孩子之后,反而缺少了真正意义上的旅游(Travel),连屈指可数的出游(Outing)也只限于带孩子去动物园、公园和市内的游乐场. 原因很简单,带孩子出远门太麻烦. 和孩子一起去旅游对于父母来说是一个巨大的挑战,

outing 词典解释

1. (通常指集体)远足,短途旅行
    An outing is a short enjoyable trip, usually with a group of people, away from your home, school, or place of work.

    e.g. One evening, she made a rare outing to the local discotheque.
    e.g. ...families on a Sunday afternoon outing.

2. 体育比赛
    In sport, an outing is an occasion when a player competes in a particular contest or competition.

    e.g. Playing against Zebre in England's first outing, he suffered a whiplash injury to his neck.

3. see also: out

outing 单语例句

1. The general manager at Centurion has become a regular Star Trooper after playing for a company outing.

2. White House political adviser Karl Rove and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage were the primary sources for a 2003 newspaper column outing Plame.

3. Contrary to speculation that the outing would play smaller venues than usual, the " Confessions Tour " will visit arenas and stadiums throughout the world.

4. The prosecutor wants to use Cheney's notes on the Wilson article to corroborate other evidence he has that Libby lied about outing Plame to reporters.

5. This latest seasonal outing continues the designer's reliance on nature for inspiration, invoking a fairy tale feel with its forest setting and animal and plant motifs.

6. It was the couple's first outing after a US judge's decision to lift the house arrest of " DSK ".

7. A spring outing to Zhouzhuang will not only leave you with the memory of travelling, but also give you a feeling of revitalization in the spring wind.

8. But it deserves an outing on account of the handsome location photography and fervent performances, not least from Samantha Morton.

9. Chiao got too close to firing thrusters during that first outing because of miscommunication, and so flight controllers put unambiguous rules in place for Monday's outing.

10. The outing was his first before a gallery since the sex scandal made him a tawdry tabloid fixture.


outing 英英释义


1. a journey taken for pleasure

    e.g. many summer excursions to the shore
           it was merely a pleasure trip
           after cautious sashays into the field

    Synonym: excursionjauntjunketpleasure tripexpeditionsashay

2. a day devoted to an outdoor social gathering

    Synonym: field daypicnic

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