
outsider是什么意思 outsider在线翻译 outsider什么意思 outsider的意思 outsider的翻译 outsider的解释 outsider的发音 outsider的同义词

outsider [ˌaʊtˈsaɪdə(r)]  [aʊtˈsaɪdɚ] 


outsider 基本解释

名词局外人,圈外人; 无取胜希望者; (比赛中的)冷门选手

outsider 同义词

outsider 反义词


outsider 相关例句

1. The outsider sees the most of the game.

2. outsider

2. The outsider sees the best of the game.


1. To an outsider this looks like an idyllic life.

outsider 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 圈外人:这部影片源于<<圈外人>>(Outsider)杂志编辑丹尼儿﹒寇勒于1991年做芝加哥一个扶贫项目中的少年棒球队教练的真实经历. 只是丹尼儿既不颓废,也不嗜赌. 影片主人公柯诺﹒奥尼尔(Conor O′Neill)是个潦倒的人. 生活中的唯一乐趣就是体育博彩,

2. 异界生物:他们从来不会在一个地方呆得太久,以免被秩序和善良的势力所追捕一个圣杯骑士是一个献身于与恶魔和其他异界生物(outsider)战斗的精英骑士类组织的一员.

outsider 词典解释

1. (某个团体或组织)外部的人
    An outsider is someone who does not belong to a particular group or organization.

    e.g. The most likely outcome may be to subcontract much of the work to an outsider.

2. (不为某一团体所接受或感觉不属其中的)外人
    An outsider is someone who is not accepted by a particular group, or who feels that they do not belong in it.

    e.g. Malone, a cop, felt as much an outsider as any of them.

3. (在竞赛中)不大可能获胜的人(或队伍)
    In a competition, an outsider is a competitor who is unlikely to win.

    e.g. He was an outsider in the race to be the new UN Secretary-General.

outsider 单语例句

1. So I guess that's an outsider by process and insider by result, maybe.

2. Ben Wilson fights the scourge of sidewalk gum by adorning it with his outsider art.

3. The striking coincidence between the national and international meteorological scenes reminds us no country is an outsider in the process of global climatic change.

4. No outsider can come up with workable solutions to the historical problems that kept the two sides apart.

5. Such close connections and the respect the founding fathers of these enterprises command make it almost impossible for any outsider to take over from them.

6. He was an outsider and did not have a coterie of literary peers.

7. Many of the ethical questions about documenting disaster center on the difficulty of reconciling outsider perspectives with the experiences of those directly affected.

8. The authorities have seldom failed to emphasize the need for outsider oversight when the topic drifts to reining in corruption.

9. Yin recalled the day when she saw the first outsider pass by her house.

10. The former governor of Helmand province said that bringing in an outsider will alienate local elders and drive them back toward the Taliban.

outsider 英英释义


1. someone who is excluded from or is not a member of a group

    Synonym: foreigner

2. a contestant (human or animal) not considered to have a good chance to win

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