
outward是什么意思 outward在线翻译 outward什么意思 outward的意思 outward的翻译 outward的解释 outward的发音 outward的同义词 outward的反义词

outward [ˈaʊtwəd]  [ˈaʊtwərd] 

outward 基本解释


形容词向外的; 外面的; 公开的; [宗]肉体上的

副词向外(等于outwards); 在外

名词外表; 外面; 物质世界

outward 同义词


outward 反义词



outward 网络解释

1. 向外:方法是先找出自己笑起来时两颊的最高点,使用腮红刷由内向外(outward) 扫出去,另外用较深的颜色修容,轻刷在发际到下巴的轮廓边边,腮红与修容能让脸蛋的圆润感与立体度即刻浮现.

2. 进港的:卸货报告 Outturn report | 进港的 Outward | 超重货物 Overheight cargo

3. 外部的:outstanding 显目的 | outward 外部的 | oval 椭圆形

outward 词典解释

1. 向外的;外出的
    An outward journey is a journey that you make away from a place that you are intending to return to later.

    e.g. Tickets must be bought seven days in advance, with outward and return journey dates specified.

2. 外表的;表面上的
    The outward feelings, qualities, or attitudes of someone or something are the ones they appear to have rather than the ones that they actually have.

    e.g. In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken...
    e.g. What the military rulers have done is to restore the outward appearance of order.

3. (特定方面)可见的,外部的
    The outward features of something are the ones that you can see from the outside.

    e.g. Mark was lying unconscious but with no outward sign of injury.

4. see also: outwards

outward 单语例句

1. The reflecting pool of the canvas has been disturbed, and a third mirrored likeness looks outward from inside the pool.

2. It should slow the growth of outward FDI and tighten its capital outflow controls until the income gap is reduced to a reasonable level.

3. The new rules include hefty fines of up to 30 percent of the capital involved for unauthorized inward or outward money transfer.

4. Both countries are heavily dependent on foreign energy and are strongly pursuing outward investment to secure additional energy sources.

5. Whereas inward FDI is a variable outside Chinese government control, outward FDI is not.

6. This is carried out all in the proper order and is vital to correctly stretching and facilitating the outward growth of the whole body.

7. It noted that the cub weighed just under 100 grams, and that there was no outward sign of trauma or infection.

8. So when we look at aging buildings, we are looking at more than the outward material evidence of deterioration and decay.

9. It is still distinctly positive, as inward FDI continues to exceed outward FDI.

10. Traditionally it was less encouraged here to criticize authority or be too outward in expressions of emotion.

outward 英英释义


1. relating to physical reality rather than with thoughts or the mind

    e.g. a concern with outward beauty rather than with inward reflections

2. that is going out or leaving

    e.g. the departing train
           an outward journey
           outward-bound ships

    Synonym: outboundoutward-bound


1. toward the outside

    e.g. move the needle further outward!

    Synonym: outwards

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