
ovals是什么意思 ovals在线翻译 ovals什么意思 ovals的意思 ovals的翻译 ovals的解释 ovals的发音 ovals的同义词 ovals的反义词 ovals的例句

ovals [əʊvzl]  [oʊvzl] 


ovals 基本解释


椭圆形( oval的名词复数 );

ovals 双语例句

1. This standard has been selected based on industry and expert recommendations that ANSI standardized color ovals represent a more robust and effective specification than simple correlated color temperature.

2. ovals的翻译

2. The grounds of the University are expansive, featuring several ovals, a recreation and aquatic centre, tennis courts, cafes, innumerable carparks, and also picturesque courtyards and sitting areas.

3. Red ovals appeared on Tom's TACMAP: Covenant Seraphs on another attack run.

4. Rolled, extruded or drawn products, in coils, which have a uniform solid cross-section along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles, equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons (including `flattened circles` and `modified rectangles`, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel).
    Wire 卷绕成卷状的辊轧、挤压或拉拔产品,整件产品的实心横截面形状划一,成圆形、椭圆形、长方形、等边三角形或规则凸面多边形(包括其中两面对边成凸面圆拱形,另两面对边为长短相等平行直边的「扁圆形」及「变形长方形」)。

5. For each question, decide if statementⅠis true or false and if statementⅡis true or false and fill in the corresponding T or F ovals on your answer sheet.

6. ovals的近义词

6. Ovals have a bit more freedomm when it comes to brow shape, but the best shape is one that follows the natural line of the browbone and is slightly thick, but well groomed.

7. ovals

7. Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese mixture into small balls or ovals

8. Multi-Function turntable slicer can slice material into pieces like circles or ovals.

9. I did own an antique pair of mother-of-pearl ovals set with a single diamond that I loved very much because they were simple.

10. OVALS is developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, which provides initial fields to ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) prediction system by using the 3D-Var method to assimilate various temperature and salt data.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. Graphics with primitives such as lines or ovals and paths, and operations for transformation, scaling or rotation.

12. Born in Japan, Toyota's logo consists of three ovals: the two perpendicular center ovals represent a relationship of mutual trust between the customer and Toyota.

13. ovals的反义词

13. Place the ovals of dough onto the tray, and then in the centre of the oven for10~15 minutes.

14. ovals的解释

14. In this paper, we give an improved spectral inclusion region theorem of Cassini's ovals, and discuss the corresponding isolation theorem and boundary prob-lems. There results improve and generalize the corresponding theorems in [1-4].

15. Some Group Divisible Designs Constructed from Ovals

16. On ovals of n - type

17. Aurora Ovals are elliptical zones which produced by Aurora, the centered by polars magnetic in Arctic and Antarctica.

18. Improvements and Applications of Spectral Inclusion Regions Composed of Cassini's Ovals

19. The Least Common Points for Judging Two Regular Ovals Coincide

20. Wright's design put his unique stamp on Modernist Architecture's rigid geometry. The building is a symphony of triangles, ovals, arcs, circles, and squares.

ovals 单语例句


1. " I don't think Formula One guys have an appetite for ovals, " Bernard told Reuters in an earlier interview.

2. The odds are it probably will help Sam a little because he's more familiar with the ovals.

3. Black and white checkered floors paired well with lively reds and contrasted nicely against the white ovals covering columns of mirrors.

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