
overall是什么意思 overall在线翻译 overall什么意思 overall的意思 overall的翻译 overall的解释 overall的发音 overall的同义词 overall的反义词

overall [ˌəʊvərˈɔ:l]  [ˌoʊvərˈɔ:l] 


overall 基本解释

形容词全部的; 全体的; 一切在内的; 综合的

副词全面地; 总地; 总的说来

名词工装裤; 罩衫; 〈英〉(军官的)紧身军裤

overall 相关例句


1. Overall, prices are still rising.

2. The overall situation is worsening.

3. The overall length of the new bridge is 2,000 meters.


1. Overall, prices are still rising.


1. overall

1. The laboratory worker in a white overall turned out to be the president's daughter.

overall 网络解释

1. overall的反义词

1. 总的:可以有历史中具体的诸般秩序,但没有超逾了人之灵魂中对秩序和无序之区分(discernment)的总的(overall)秩序,而灵魂中的这些区分不断反复地自身表现于象征,经由这些象征,成套的政治秩序或多或少地在历史之流中被代表.

2. 综合能力:将一名自创人物的综合能力(Overall)练到90以上. 在冠军大乱斗(Championship Scramble)的比赛中,从头到尾都保持著冠军身份. 在30人大战(Royal Rumble)第一个进场并且获胜.

overall 词典解释

The adjective and adverb are pronounced /ˌəʊvər'ɔːl/. The noun is pronounced /'əʊvərɔːl/. 形容词和副词读作 /ˌəʊvər'ɔːl/。名词读作 /'əʊvərɔːl/。

1. 总的;总体的;全面的
    You use overall to indicate that you are talking about a situation in general or about the whole of something.


    e.g. ...the overall rise in unemployment...
    e.g. Cut down your overall amount of physical activity...

2. (上下连身的)工作服,防护服
    Overalls consist of a single piece of clothing that combines trousers and a jacket. You wear overalls over your clothes in order to protect them while you are working.

    e.g. ...workers in blue overalls.

3. (吊带)工装裤
    Overalls are trousers that are attached to a piece of cloth which covers your chest and which has straps going over your shoulders.

    e.g. An elderly man dressed in faded overalls took the witness stand.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 dungarees

4. (工作时穿的)罩衣
    An overall is a piece of clothing shaped like a coat that you wear over your clothes in order to protect them while you are working.

overall 单语例句

1. Incorporating operational energy efficiency into a company's overall business strategy will facilitate progression toward a reduction in the environmental impact and cost of business operations.

2. Chow Tai Fook wants these two projects to form a complete business value chain from overall resources development to production and operations.

3. Are the travel strategies meeting the organization's overall business travel goals and objectives?

4. The company also said that it will assess whether it needs to write down the value of its business overall for the quarter.

5. But Ip said " there are signs of gradual revival in overall business activity " and he expected improvement in the employment situation in the last quarter.

6. The global crisis is not only posing a new challenge to China's general business, but also one to its overall practices in labor relations.

7. Statistics indicate that local consumers contributed to four fifth of the overall retail business volume in Hong Kong.

8. Hamilton won three races last season but was beaten by Jenson Button, the first teammate who has ever finished a campaign ahead of him overall.

9. China should by all means conduct overall design and final assembly of large aircraft by itself.

10. By contrast, in chimpanzees reproductive declines occur in tandem with overall mortality.

overall 英英释义



1. (usually plural) work clothing consisting of denim trousers (usually with a bib and shoulder straps)

2. a loose protective coverall or smock worn over ordinary clothing for dirty work

    Synonym: boilersuitboilers suit


1. involving only main features

    e.g. the overall pattern of his life

2. including everything

    e.g. the overall cost

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