
overlap是什么意思 overlap在线翻译 overlap什么意思 overlap的意思 overlap的翻译 overlap的解释 overlap的发音 overlap的同义词 overlap的反义词

overlap [ˌəʊvəˈlæp]  [ˌoʊvərˈlæp] 


overlap 基本解释

名词重叠部分; 覆盖物,涂盖层; [数]交叠,相交

及物动词重叠; 与…部分相同

不及物动词互搭,重叠; 部分相同; [数]有与…共同的某物

overlap 相关例句


1. The new office overlaps the functions of the one already in existence.


1. The shingles overlap.


1. The overlap is marked in red.

2. overlap的近义词

2. Where is the overlap?

overlap 网络解释

1. 重迭:从一定意义上说, 前者范围大于后者, 因为关于推定的规则在一定程度上是和合同是否成立之法律规则及合同条款之效力判断规则重迭 (overlap)的, 而大陆法对此是严加区别的.

2. 交叉:实体代表了分离的数据系列(disjoint sets of data),每个数据项(datum)只位于一个实体中,实体中的数据决不与其它实体的数据交叉(overlap). 从程序员的角度看,唯一标识的实体表明了序列化的范围,这个概念对伸缩设计的应用程序行为有巨大的影响.

overlap 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /ˌəʊvə'læp/. The noun is pronounced /'əʊvəlæp/. 动词读作 /ˌəʊvə'læp/。名词读作 /'əʊvəlæp/。

1. 与…互搭;与…复叠;(使)相叠
    If one thing overlaps another, or if you overlap them, a part of the first thing occupies the same area as a part of the other thing. You can also say that two things overlap .

    e.g. When the bag is folded flat, the bag bottom overlaps one side of the bag...
    e.g. Overlap the slices carefully so there are no gaps...

2. (在主题、人物、时间等上)(与…)部分相同,(与…)部分交叉
    If one idea or activity overlaps another, or overlaps with another, they involve some of the same subjects, people, or periods of time.

    e.g. Elizabeth met other Oxford intellectuals some of whom overlapped Naomi's world...
    e.g. Christian holy week overlaps with the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover...

overlap 单语例句

1. It is because the oral and listening comprehension of Putonghua lessons might overlap with the Chinese language curriculum.

2. He said he was most struck by the overlap between the sessions on specific topics, leading him to conclude that job creation needs to be better coordinated.

3. Tien admitted that there might be an overlap of services as other organizations also provide youth training.

4. Congressional inquiries and criminal investigations frequently overlap, and it is not uncommon for the Justice Department to ask lawmakers to ease off.

5. The document indicated that the country's leaders have recognized cultural sector's huge overlap with the economic sector.

6. The authorities should review the existing fees and taxes and write off or suspend those that overlap the car exhaust tax.

7. Regulation is still in its infancy with multiple regulators that are sometimes in contradiction or overlap.

8. Also, newspapers and magazines which provide short and fast information overlap with digital media.

9. An information system was developed to ensure no overlap or omitted information.

10. Analysts say the two groups should join hands as Roewe and MG overlap and China's car market is becoming more competitive.

overlap 英英释义


1. a flap that lies over another part

    e.g. the lap of the shingles should be at least ten inches

    Synonym: lap

2. the property of partial coincidence in time

3. a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena

    e.g. there was no overlap between their proposals

    Synonym: convergenceintersection



1. coincide partially or wholly

    e.g. Our vacations overlap

2. extend over and cover a part of

    e.g. The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city

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