
override是什么意思 override在线翻译 override什么意思 override的意思 override的翻译 override的解释 override的发音 override的同义词

override [ˌəʊvəˈraɪd]  [ˌoʊvərˈraɪd] 


override 基本解释

及物动词覆盖; 推翻,无视; 践踏; 优先于

名词佣金; 超驰控制装置; 撤消,推翻

override 相关例句


1. He overrode his friend's advice.

2. The chairman's veto was overridden by the committee.

3. Larry was demoted for overriding his superior's orders.

4. The day-to-day struggle for survival overrode all other things.


1. The President has vowed to veto the measure and an override is rated as a slim prospect.

override 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 重写:重写(override)与重载(overload) 相似:他们都是重新定义一个方法的实现过程 区别: 重写(override):是指对象之间的某个方法的重新实现,在一个类继承一个类时,当基类中某方...

2. 替代:回顾性分析成像质量,探讨心率及心率波动对冠脉成像质量的影响,pitch值与心率的关系,替代(override)功能的应用价值,从而优化扫描参数.结果:①心率及心率波动与冠脉成像质量成负相关;

3. 超越:由于 BuilderD 类只管理单个对象的属性,SFPropertyCaption 不得不超越(override)少量方法来允许它处理这种情况. 包含了有关远程 (ODBC) 视图和连接默认值的选项.

override 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /ˌəʊvə'raɪd/. The noun is pronounced /'əʊvəraɪd/. 动词读作 /ˌəʊvə'raɪd/。名词读作 /'əʊvəraɪd/。

1. 凌驾于;优先于;比…更重要
    If one thing in a situation overrides other things, it is more important than them.


    e.g. The welfare of a child should always override the wishes of its parents...
    e.g. Their work is frequently an obsession that overrides all other considerations.

2. (以更大的权力)撤销,推翻,否决
    If someone in authority overrides a person or their decisions, they cancel their decisions.


    e.g. The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto...
    e.g. I'm applying in advance for the authority to override him...

3. (对决定等的)撤销,推翻,否决
    An override is an attempt to cancel someone's decisions by using your authority over them or by gaining more votes than them in an election or contest.

    e.g. The bill now goes to the House where an override vote is expected to fail...
    e.g. An override of the veto appears unlikely.

override 单语例句

1. The right to privacy cannot override the law, nor can it take precedence over the greater interests of society.

2. The heart of the legal arguments focus on the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, a theory that says federal laws override state laws.

3. Republicans said Democrats were scheduling the veto override vote to coincide with the week Bush comes to Congress for the State of the Union address.

4. The official said it was his impression the president showed no inclination to override the advice of his senior military staff on the decision.

5. But Blair has said he will override human rights laws if necessary in order to deport foreign nationals.

6. Other experts are dubious about our ability to " override " the neuromuscular system and teach muscles when to switch on and off.

7. From that perspective came the belief that Liu E could override all objections in deciding the cuisine she would serve.

8. " Zero tolerance " policies have faced flak too for allowing the rule of law to override civil liberties.

9. No adjustment in China's foreign exchange policy should override this critical role it plays.

10. The easing ideas allowed gold to override the negative outside market force of a higher dollar and gain on the session.

override 英英释义


1. the act of nullifying
    making null and void
    counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something

    Synonym: nullification

2. a manually operated device to correct the operation of an automatic device


1. rule against

    e.g. The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill

    Synonym: overruleoverturnoverthrowreverse

2. ride (a horse) too hard

3. counteract the normal operation of (an automatic gear shift in a vehicle)

4. prevail over

    e.g. health considerations override financial concerns

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