
overshadow是什么意思 overshadow在线翻译 overshadow什么意思 overshadow的意思 overshadow的翻译 overshadow的解释 overshadow的发音 overshadow的同义词

overshadow [ˌəʊvəˈʃædəʊ]  [ˌoʊvərˈʃædoʊ] 


overshadow 基本解释


及物动词遮阴; 使失色; 使阴暗; 夺去…的光辉

overshadow 相关例句


1. Their gaieties were overshadowed by the sad news.

2. He overshadowed all his comrades.

3. overshadow的翻译

3. Her new book will overshadow all her earlier ones.

overshadow 网络解释

1. overshadow的意思

1. 使...相形见绌:17. disastrous灾难性的 | 18. overshadow使...相形见绌 | 20. usher in引领

2. 遮蔽,使......蒙上阴影:extensive 广泛的 | overshadow 遮蔽,使......蒙上阴影 | non-governmental sector 非政府部门,民间机构

3. overshadow是什么意思

3. 使......黯然失色:extensive 广泛的 | overshadow 使......黯然失色 | non-governmental sector 民间组织

overshadow 词典解释

1. 给…蒙上阴影;使扫兴
    If an unpleasant event or feeling overshadows something, it makes it less happy or enjoyable.


    e.g. Fears for the President's safety could overshadow his peace-making mission...
    e.g. Her childhood was overshadowed by her mother's incarceration in a psychiatric hospital.

2. 使黯然失色;使相形见绌;使显得无足轻重
    If you are overshadowed by a person or thing, you are less successful, important, or impressive than they are.

    e.g. Hester is overshadowed by her younger and more attractive sister.

3. (楼房、树木、大型建筑物等)遮蔽,遮挡
    If one building, tree, or large structure overshadows another, it stands near it, is much taller than it, and casts a shadow over it.

    e.g. He also designed one of the Edinburgh University towers that overshadows George Square...
    e.g. She said stations should be in the open, near housing, not overshadowed by trees or walls.

overshadow 单语例句

1. The consolidation fervor helped overshadow concerns about weaker demand from the housing and auto sectors, as well as a potential inventory glut and falling prices.

2. But he said China hoped they wouldn't overshadow the formal agenda items.

3. The researcher warned that false prospects for social development could overshadow some pressing problems such as the widening income gap and soaring unemployment.

4. In any case, the political consequences overshadow legal or bureaucratic issues.

5. Kean's comments threatened to overshadow moves by the company and the White House to appease critics by delaying the takeover.

6. But it should not overshadow the fact that what China has built is one of the safest and most efficient transport networks on earth.

7. But Liu stressed the two incidents would not overshadow Bush's visit to Beijing.

8. The potential dismantling of the local team threatened to overshadow the NBA's third trip to Phoenix for its midseason event.

9. The two countries need to properly handle their skirmishes over Chinese investment in Australia and not let the United States overshadow their ties.

10. Henin called the uproar " really stupid ", and complained that journalists had allowed that one point to overshadow her French Open triumph.

overshadow 英英释义


1. cast a shadow upon

    e.g. The tall tree overshadowed the house

2. make appear small by comparison

    e.g. This year's debt dwarfs that of last year

    Synonym: shadowdwarf

3. be greater in significance than

    e.g. the tragedy overshadowed the couple's happiness

    Synonym: dominateeclipse

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