
oyster是什么意思 oyster在线翻译 oyster什么意思 oyster的意思 oyster的翻译 oyster的解释 oyster的发音 oyster的同义词 oyster的反义词 oyster的例句

oyster [ˈɔɪstə(r)]  [ˈɔɪstɚ] 


oyster 基本解释


名词牡蛎; <俚>守秘密的人; 鸡背肉; 沉默寡言的人

oyster 相关例句


1. Some kinds of oyster are used as food, and others yield pearls.

oyster 情景对话

In the Cafeteria-(在自助餐厅里)

A:What'll you have,sir?


B:I don't know. What's good today?

A:Why not try the beef pot pie? That's the special today.Lots of people come in on Mondays just to get our beef pot pie.Or, how about the oyster stew?


B:No, I'm hungry. That wouldn't last me the afternoon.I guess I'll have a hot beef sandwich with plenty of gravy.

A:Do you want it on whole wheat, white french, or rye?

B:Make it whole wheat.

A:Anything to drink?

B:Yes, coffee, but I'll come back for it later.

oyster 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 生蚝:转动的烤肉--沙威玛最佳选择--意大利的开胃菜爱之入骨--西班牙生火腿挑逗你的胃海中牛奶一生蚝(Oyster)耐人寻味的黑钻石--黑松露意大利自钻石--自松露平易近人的欧洲泡菜--酸包心菜一表三千里的一芹菜头夏天的必然一冷汤酸溜

oyster 词典解释

1. 牡蛎;蚝
    An oyster is a large flat shellfish. Some oysters can be eaten and others produce valuable objects called pearls.

    e.g. He had two dozen oysters and enjoyed every one of them.

2. 世界是属于…的;尽可做想做之事(或去想去之处)
    If you say that the world is someone's oyster, you mean that they can do anything or go anywhere that they want to.

    e.g. You're young, you've got a lot of opportunity. The world is your oyster.

oyster 单语例句

1. The flavor of fresh oyster was enhanced by champagne foam and the pieces of " pearl ", which is easily shattered by a touch of the spoon.

2. Much of southeast Louisiana's coastal waters have been closed to fishing and oyster harvesting because of the oil.

3. Mix the diced chicken with the oyster sauce and corn starch and leave aside.

4. No wonder the master still keeps his affiliation with the studio, even though he has since made the world his oyster.

5. A huge " pearl " made of sugar topped an oyster, making it like an epicurean piece of art.

6. Place the sea salt crystals on a little saucer and place a flake or two on each oyster.

7. Food critic Johnny Chan has been patronizing this oyster pancake hawker in Shantou for decades.

8. Shellfish experts suggested Wang open the shell 2 cm so that he could look inside, but not injure the oyster.

9. The Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona men's watch, is a gentler looking item.

10. Hainan style fired oyster with eggs is made like a large pancake with unshelled oysters and leek leaves in it.

oyster 英英释义


1. marine mollusks having a rough irregular shell
    found on the sea bed mostly in coastal waters

2. a small muscle on each side of the back of a fowl

3. edible body of any of numerous oysters

    Synonym: huitre



1. gather oysters, dig oysters

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