
pacemaker是什么意思 pacemaker在线翻译 pacemaker什么意思 pacemaker的意思 pacemaker的翻译 pacemaker的解释 pacemaker的发音 pacemaker的同义词

pacemaker [ˈpeɪsmeɪkə(r)]  [ˈpesˌmekɚ] 


pacemaker 基本解释

名词起搏器; 领跑者; 带头人; 标兵

pacemaker 网络解释

1. 起博器:Zarlink Semiconductor公司正在试生产一种新型体内嵌入式(in-body)天线芯片,今年应该能出现在起博器(pacemaker)和助听器(hearing implant)当中. BAN芯片可以同附近的基站传送和接收数据、指令,这样你的医生就能够在办公室里重新调整你的心跳,

2. 心脏起搏器:我国的植入式器件的普及率远远低于发达国家,以心脏起搏器(Pacemaker)和心律转复除颤器(ICD)为例,我国2009年的人均普及率,心脏起搏器是2005年美国的1/35,心律转复除颤器是2005年美国的1/500,原因主要是诊断的落后,

pacemaker 词典解释

1. 心脏起搏器
    A pacemaker is a device that is placed inside someone's body in order to help their heart beat in the right way.


    e.g. She was fitted with a pacemaker after suffering serious heart trouble.

2. (赛跑中的)领跑员
    A pacemaker is a competitor in a race whose task is to start the race very quickly in order to help the other runners achieve a very fast time. Pacemakers usually stop before the race is finished.

pacemaker 单语例句

1. Since 1996 when it entered China by opening a cardiac pacemaker production line in Shanghai, the company has witnessed an annual growth of 25 percent in the country.

2. Han added no pacemaker will run out of power without giving early warnings which doctors can detect during regular checkups.

3. And it is normal that the third pacemaker fitted in the latest operation stopped working when it reached the end of its lifespan.

4. Jacques Chirac's office says the former French president has left a Paris hospital after having a heart pacemaker fitted.

5. Elton was fitted with a pacemaker in 1999 after being diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat.

6. He was treated for pneumonia in January and had an angioplasty and pacemaker implant in August.

7. I guess it depends on whether software is keeping someone's pacemaker operational, or checks for gas leaks?

8. A report on the natural cardiac pacemaker was published in the journal Nature Biotechnology.

9. He also said the medical team was considering the possibility of installing a new pacemaker and would decide after completing the necessary examinations.

10. We expect that the three of us can be the pacemaker that will further boost growth of the tourism industry in East Asia.


pacemaker 英英释义



1. a horse used to set the pace in racing

    Synonym: pacerpacesetter

2. an implanted electronic device that takes over the function of the natural cardiac pacemaker

    Synonym: artificial pacemaker

3. a specialized bit of heart tissue that controls the heartbeat

    Synonym: cardiac pacemakersinoatrial nodeSA node

4. a leading instance in its field

    e.g. the new policy will be a pacesetter in community relations

    Synonym: pacesetter

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