
packed是什么意思 packed在线翻译 packed什么意思 packed的意思 packed的翻译 packed的解释 packed的发音 packed的同义词 packed的反义词 packed的例句

packed [pækt]  [pækt] 


packed 基本解释

形容词充满…的; 塞满了…的


packed 情景对话


A:How are the shirts packed?

B:They're packed in cardboard boxes.

A:I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation.


A:I will see you off at the airport tomorrow, ok?


A:What time does your flight leave?


B:It takes off at 3:45.
      3 点45 分起飞。

A:So, what time do you need get to the airport?


B:They recommend passengers to arrive 2 hours before the flight.

A:It takes about an hour to get there, so why don’t we leave at noon? We’ll have time for lunch then.

B:That sounds good.

A:Have you packed everything?

B:Not yet. I’ll leave that for the morning.


A:Are you crazy? Let me help you pack now. You don’t want to leave that for the last-minute.


B:Ok, if you insist.

packed 网络解释

1. 紧密的,密实的;有密封的,有填料的:Packagepower|| 动力装置总成 | Packed|| 紧密的,密实的;有密封的,有填料的 | Packing|| 衬垫;填料,密封填料;包装

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 拥挤的:pack 狼群 | packed 拥挤的 | palliate v.减轻

3. 填充的:packaging 包装 | packed 填充的 | packed cellvolume 收集细胞体积[用以表示培养物的相对增长率]

4. 捆装的:packed weight 包装重量件重带包装的重量 | packed 捆装的 | packer 打包工

packed 词典解释

1. 非常拥挤的
    A place that is packed is very crowded.

    e.g. From 3.30 until 7pm, the shop is packed...
    e.g. ...a packed meeting at Westminster...

2. 充满…的;富含…的
    Something that is packed with things contains a very large number of them.

    e.g. The Encyclopedia is packed with clear illustrations and over 250 recipes...
    e.g. Fish and chips are packed with protein.

packed 单语例句

1. Chardonnay 2006 has lovely nut, butterscotch and vanilla oak weight supporting a zesty palate packed with apple and citrus flavors.

2. In Guangdong, restaurants offering morning tea are already packed by this time.

3. Abe's public support ratings rebounded to around 40 percent according to some media surveys after he named the new Cabinet packed with political veterans.

4. Natural dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients that come from the cacao beans it is made from.

5. The cache was buried 18 inches deep and was packed into a hole the size of a large shoe box.

6. The White House report also indicated the operation was packed with potential opportunities for administration officials to call it off.

7. Libby stood calmly before a packed courtroom as a federal judge said the evidence overwhelmingly proved his guilt.

8. Newspaper reports said the queen hangs out Christmas stockings packed with doggie treats for her canine companions.

9. People must find it a catchy name, because the restaurant is always packed for both lunch and dinner.

10. Residents of the city of Juba who spoke to The Associated Press in Khartoum said the sermon at All Saints Cathedral was packed jubilant worshippers.


packed 英英释义


1. pressed together or compressed

    e.g. packed snow

2. filled to capacity

    e.g. a suitcase jammed with dirty clothes
           stands jam-packed with fans
           a packed theater

    Synonym: jammedjam-packed

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