
packet是什么意思 packet在线翻译 packet什么意思 packet的意思 packet的翻译 packet的解释 packet的发音 packet的同义词 packet的反义词 packet的例句

packet [ˈpækɪt]  [ˈpækɪt] 


packet 基本解释


名词小包; 信息包; 邮船; 大笔款项

及物动词包装,打包; 用邮船运送

packet 相关词组

1. buy a packet : 被杀, 死于非命, 被击落;

packet 相关例句


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. He bought a packet of cigarettes.

2. That house cost me a packet.

3. The mailman brought a small packet.

packet 情景对话

Continuing education program-(继续教育课程)


A:Hello, this is the admissions office. Can I help you?

B:Hi. I’m calling about your continuing education program.

A:What would you like to know?


B:I want to become certified in computer programming. Do you offer any part-time courses for adult further education?


A:Yes, we offer both night and weekend courses in a number of different subjects.


B:How do I sign up?

A:If you give me your address, I can mail you an infomp3ation packet and the application fomp3s.


packet 词典解释

1. 包装盒;包装袋
    A packet is a small container in which a quantity of something is sold. Packets are either small boxes made of thin cardboard, or bags or envelopes made of paper or plastic.

    e.g. Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet.
    e.g. ...a cigarette packet.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 package

2. (扁平的)小包裹
    A packet is a small flat parcel.

    e.g. ...to send letters and packets abroad.
    e.g. ...a packet of photographs.

3. 一大笔钱
    You can refer to a lot of money as a packet .

    e.g. It'll cost you a packet...
    e.g. You could save yourself a packet...

in AM, use 美国英语用 bundle

4. see also: pay packet;wage packet

packet 单语例句

1. She did not buy food but lived on relief grain and her dinner was usually a packet of dry noodles.

2. TOKYO - Biscuits and vegetable juice for breakfast, no lunch and a packet of rice with canned fish or meat for supper.

3. Police described the packet as a object about the size of a milk carton, wrapped with silver adhesive tape with cables connected to a mobile phone.

4. The package should be intact because an open food packet cannot be returned for fear of contamination unless the product is substandard.

5. They cost a packet, they're perfect for the Beijing winter and they're gathering dust in my cupboard.

6. When I pointed to the big " No Smoking " sign on the dashboard, he just shook his head and proffered the packet of cigarettes to me.

7. Due to the air pressure in the plane, the packet burst and a number of passengers almost vomited due to the strong odour.

8. That left surprise packet Selby needing to produce the greatest comeback in any world championship final to turn the tables.

9. A packet of cigarettes is handed around by a member of the host family.

10. Mind you, these are all legal but are never counted as part of the official pay packet.

packet 英英释义


1. a boat for carrying mail

    Synonym: mailboatmail boatpacket boat

2. a small package or bundle

3. (computer science) a message or message fragment

4. a collection of things wrapped or boxed together

    Synonym: packagebundleparcel

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