
pact是什么意思 pact在线翻译 pact什么意思 pact的意思 pact的翻译 pact的解释 pact的发音 pact的同义词 pact的反义词 pact的例句 pact的相关词组

pact [pækt]  [pækt] 


pact 基本解释

名词公约; 条约,公约

pact 相关例句


1. They made a pact not to tell anyone.

2. pact的意思

2. This led to a non-aggression pact between the two countries.

pact 网络解释

1. pact是什么意思

1. 合同:我希望自己能在合同(pact)中有所不同,但是我的努力似乎被忽视了. 那么,你可以从学习拼写开始. 我不是故意要表示不客气或者粗鲁,但是您的确需要这样. 你无法让自己在合同(pact)中有所不同,我的朋友,除非你是在谈论某种形式的国际协议.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 或 DP: 死亡契约:Coil: 死亡缠绕 | Pact 或 DP: 死亡契约 | Unholy 或 UA: 邪恶光环

3. 太平洋商业网络-电信增值业务提供商:EDU 新东方 | PACT 太平洋商业网络-电信增值业务提供商 | BBC 杨凌博迪森

4. pact:prism alternating cover test; 棱镜交替遮盖试验

5. pact的解释

5. pact:programmed automatic circuit tester; 程控自动电路测试仪

6. pact:program for automatic coding technique; 自动编码技术程序

7. pact:production analysis control technique; 生产分析控制技术

pact 词典解释

1. 协定;契约;盟约;条约
    A pact is a formal agreement between two or more people, organizations, or governments to do a particular thing or to help each other.

    e.g. Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany...
    e.g. The other two opposition parties cannot agree on an electoral pact between themselves.

pact 单语例句

1. Although the Stability and Growth Pact may be elastic enough to permit some deficit stimulus, a country may feel constrained from acting as aggressively as it wants.

2. I believe the pact is just a byproduct of the quarrels between Han Han and Bai Ye.

3. Howard has also brushed off concerns that the defense pact would harm Canberra's flourishing ties with Beijing.

4. The Stability and Growth Pact has been relaxed in order to increase governments'capacity to borrow to recapitalize their banks.

5. The pact has facilitated the free flow of capital, goods and personnel between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong.

6. Trade experts urged Seoul to be more active in pushing forward talks as a trade pact will help weather global economic storms.

7. There are hopes that they could take a decisive step forward in talks for a UN climate change pact due to be signed in December.

8. Health activists had blasted the proposed pact because of the additional requirements and some developing country makers of generic drugs also expressed skepticism.

9. The pact also would establish new procedures to allow both countries to inspect each other's nuclear arsenals to verify compliance.

10. The PCT is an international pact that enables patent protection of an invention in each of a large number of its contracting states.


pact 英英释义



1. a written agreement between two states or sovereigns

    Synonym: treatyaccord

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