
paddle是什么意思 paddle在线翻译 paddle什么意思 paddle的意思 paddle的翻译 paddle的解释 paddle的发音 paddle的同义词 paddle的反义词 paddle的例句

paddle [ˈpædl]  [ˈpædl] 


paddle 基本解释

名词[航海] 宽叶短桨; 桨状物; 搅拌金矿的铁器,类似铁铲的工具; 洗衣板,扁板

不及物动词涉水; 趟水; 用桨划船; 荡桨

及物动词用浆划动,用船桨推动(船只); 搬运,运输; 拍打; 搅拌

paddle 相关例句


1. paddle

1. The natives paddled us over to the other side of the river.

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2. The young couple paddled a little boat leisurely on the river.


1. Children love to paddle at the beach.

2. His little daughter paddled up to him.


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Some tugs on rivers still have paddles.

2. Each man had a paddle for an hour and then a rest.

paddle 网络解释

1. 桨:让玛亚走到桥端,利用木桨(Paddle)修理桥,之后便让江森过桥. 但当江森和玛亚过桥后,阿伦掉下桥死了. 上校在途中把江森扔到湖里,将玛亚关在船上的小房子里. 江森游泳上岸后便去救玛亚. 先用毒根杀死湖中的生物. 等看守走到船后,

2. paddle

2. 小闸门:某些MOSFET制造商使用clip技术替代线粘合,可将封装阻抗降低约1m,在硅器件尺寸受限于封装内的小闸门 (paddle) 尺寸或有限的RDS(ON)硅几何尺寸时,功效非常显著.

3. paddle的解释

3. 开关,门电路:Padding 统调,使......平直 | Paddle 开关,门电路 | Page 一面,(存储器)页面地址,寻找

4. paddle的意思

4. 桨叶;搅棒:packing piece 垫片 | paddle 桨叶;搅棒 | paint 油漆

paddle 词典解释

1. 桨;短桨
    A paddle is a short pole with a wide flat part at one end or at both ends. You hold it in your hands and use it as an oar to move a small boat through water.

    e.g. We might be able to push ourselves across with the paddle.
    e.g. ...a piece of driftwood which he used as a paddle.

2. 用桨划(船)
    If you paddle a boat, you move it through water using a paddle.

    e.g. ...the skills you will use to paddle the canoe.
    e.g. ...paddling around the South Pacific in a kayak.

3. 玩水;涉水
    If you paddle, you walk or stand in shallow water, for example at the edge of the sea, for pleasure.


    e.g. Wear sandals when you paddle.
    e.g. ...a lovely little stream that you can paddle in.

paddle 单语例句


1. The punishment often involves hitting a child on the buttocks with a long wooden board, or paddle.

2. Coca says the shark then got tangled in the paddle leash and bit through it before swimming away.

3. The glue is used to fix the rubber facing of the table tennis paddle.

4. Visitors can charter a boat and paddle out in the midst of these creatures and wait patiently for that perfect shot.

5. And a lot of Canadians still paddle for leisure or sport, he added.

6. The guide said that if it were summer, we would have been able to paddle a boat along the river upstream.

7. What made me so happy was seeing young Guo holding the paddle in his left hand.

8. What made Chiu more excited was that Hu gave him a present - a signed paddle.

9. She hasn't picked up a paddle competitively since then but no retirement has been announced.

10. That means learning everything from getting into the boat to holding the paddle properly.

paddle 英英释义



1. a short light oar used without an oarlock to propel a canoe or small boat

    Synonym: boat paddle

2. an instrument of punishment consisting of a flat board

3. a blade of a paddle wheel or water wheel

4. small wooden bat with a flat surface
    used for hitting balls in various games


1. stir with a paddle

2. give a spanking to
    subject to a spanking

    Synonym: spanklarrup

3. walk unsteadily

    e.g. small children toddle

    Synonym: toddlecoggletotterdodderwaddle

4. propel with a paddle

    e.g. paddle your own canoe

5. swim like a dog in shallow water

6. play in or as if in water, as of small children

    Synonym: dabblesplash around

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