
panhandle是什么意思 panhandle在线翻译 panhandle什么意思 panhandle的意思 panhandle的翻译 panhandle的解释 panhandle的发音 panhandle的同义词

panhandle ['pænˌhændl]  [ˈpænˌhændl] 


panhandle 基本解释



panhandle 网络解释

1. panhandle

1. 狭长地带:北部中央平原区由德州的中部一直向东半部的狭长地带(Panhandle)延伸,基本上是一些没有树木生长的山丘及山谷. 大平原区位于北部中央平原区的西边,是属于一直延伸到加拿大的大草原的一部份.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 潘汉德:他从佛罗里达州潘汉德(Panhandle)迁居到亚特兰大地区之后,一直在同克隆大肠炎基金会(Crohn's and Colitis Foundation)的佐治亚州分部合作,希望寻找到治疗的方法.

3. 身手乞讨:225. out of frying pan into the fire 逃脱小难,更遭大难 | 226. panhandle 身手乞讨 | 227. pan out 取得成功,赚到钱

panhandle 双语例句

1. panhandle的翻译

1. I knew I couldn't panhandle.

2. I love to travel by subway, but I'm afraid of those homeless people outside who often panhandle!

3. He had known the family for fifty years and saw them make a great contribution to the Texas panhandle.

4. panhandle的意思

4. I love to travel by subway, but Im afraid of those homeless people outside who often panhandle!

5. A city in the northern panhandle of West Virginia on the Ohio river.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. Homeless people forced to panhandle in subway stations.

7. In the Eastern Panhandle and the Ohio River Valley temperatures are warm enough to see and grow subtropical plants such as Southern magnolia, Crepe Myrtle, Albizia julibrissin, American Sweetgum and even the occasional needle palm and sabal minor.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. When winos and drunks filtered up from the Bowery to panhandle on his beat he get rid of them so roughly that they never came back.

9. Wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia.

10. panhandle

10. The Eyak, Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian live in south central Alaska and the southeast Panhandle of the state. They depend upon the ocean and rivers for their food and means of travel. Although they have similar cultures, their languages are different.
    Eya k、Tlingi t、Haida 及 Tsimshian 都住在阿拉斯加的中南部和阿拉斯加的潘汉德尔市东南部,他们都依赖海洋及河流维生,也通过海洋及河流四处迁徙;虽然他们都拥有相似的文化,但各自的语言却不相同。

11. The birds, long believed extinct, may survive along the Choctawhatchee River in the state's panhandle, scientists report today in the online scientific journal Avian Conservation and Ecology.

12. His company, Mesa Power, has already invested $2 billion to build the world`s largest wind farm in Pampa, a small town in the Texas panhandle.

13. The Panhandle Bandshell is a full-scale performance stage and modular landscape constructed entirely out of reclaimed materials.

14. In China there are organized " begging " gangs who abduct and disable children, make them panhandle in the streets, and then taking the money for themselves.

15. danci.911chaxun.com

15. Our factory specializes in producing all kinds of, , enamel pan fittings, specifically for the manufacturers to provide panhandle, pot button, pot beads and aluminum die-casting products, strong production capacity can also be provided in accordance with customer opened Samples mold processing.

16. Of course, to the Florida panhandle and get this, Brook, as over a million additional fee of guaranteed boom that is yethave been deployed.
      当然,也会到佛罗里达的狭长地带,而且相关部门已经再次部署了100 万个额外的水栅。

17. Here begin the renowned blinding-white dunes and sand beaches of Florida's Panhandle.

18. panhandle的解释

18. Issue: The city of Amarillo is located in the Texas panhandle between Potter and Randall Counties.

19. panhandle的翻译

19. Then the wind industry started to take hold in west Texas and the panhandle.

20. Correspondent Morley Safer did and found, in the panhandle of Idaho, a remarkable American original.

panhandle 词典解释

1. (伸展到另一地区的)狭长土地,锅柄状地区
    A panhandle is a narrow strip of land joined to a larger area of land.

    e.g. ...the Texas panhandle.

2. 在街上乞讨;街头行乞
    If someone panhandles, they stop people in the street and ask them for food or money.

    e.g. Many of these street people seemed to support themselves by panhandling and doing odd jobs...
    e.g. There was also a guy panhandling for quarters.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 beg
Sergeant Rivero says arrests for panhandling take place every day.

panhandle 单语例句

1. The clams in the $ 10 plate came from Apalachicola in the Florida Panhandle, said restaurant manager Tom Gerry.

2. Forecasters expect Frances to strengthen over the Gulf of Mexico and then come ashore again near Apalachicola Bay on the Florida Panhandle.

3. The storm began wrapping up its disastrous slog across Florida on Saturday by making a record fourth landfall on the Panhandle's coast.

4. Severe storms blew across the South on Sunday, producing at least one tornado and destroying homes in the Florida Panhandle and Alabama.

5. Up to a foot of rain was possible in West Virginia's hilly Eastern Panhandle and 6 to 9 inches was forecast for parts of Pennsylvania.

6. The storm was expected to strengthen to a hurricane over the Gulf's warm waters, and US landfall could be anywhere from the Florida panhandle to Texas.

7. It was expected to move into the panhandle Monday, then into Georgia and Alabama.

8. Hurricane Dennis brushed by the Keys in July before slamming the Florida Panhandle.

9. Police went through waterfront neighborhoods in coastal Panhandle cities advising residents of the mandatory evacuation orders.

10. Emergency officials in several Florida Panhandle counties were expected to decide Monday on evacuating fishing villages and beach communities.

panhandle 英英释义


1. the handle of a pan

2. a relatively narrow strip of land projecting from some larger area

    e.g. Wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia


1. beg by accosting people in the street and asking for money

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