
pants是什么意思 pants在线翻译 pants什么意思 pants的意思 pants的翻译 pants的解释 pants的发音 pants的同义词 pants的反义词 pants的例句

pants [pænts] [pænts] 


pants 基本解释

名词<英>(紧身的)短裤; <美> 裤子; 喘气( pant的名词复数 )

动词喘气,喘息( pant的第三人称单数 ); 喘着气说


pants 相关词组

1. wear the pants : 掌权当家;

2. with one's pants down : 处于尴尬境地;

pants 相关例句


1. pants

1. This jacket will match those pants nicely.

pants 网络解释

1. 裤子:柔道衣分为上衣(jacket)、下衣(裤子)(pants)、腰带(belt). 上衣要求遮盖住臀部,袖子要求稍微超过前臂的中部,袖口和前臂最粗的部位有5公分以上的空隙. 下衣要求稍微超过小腿的中部,裤腿和小腿最粗的部位必须有7公分以上的空隙.

2. 长裤:2尺腰大概是27码 腰66/臀90cm 一般的长裤(pants)是按0码、2码、4码这样分的,没有牛仔裤分的那么细,0码大概相当于我们的160,2码就是165到170了. 如果2尺腰是0码左右.

3. 裤:由球衣(jets)和球裤(pants)组成,通常是尼龙和弹性物制成的,具有足够的弹性. 胸前的号码至少要有20.3公分以上大 ,而背后的号码则要有25.4公分以上,才符合规定. 球衣的颜色不得与球的颜色(褐色或棕色) 相同.

4. 短裤:﹒活力ANIMATION | ﹒短裤PANTS | ﹒少女GIRLS

pants 词典解释

1. 内裤
    Pants are a piece of underwear which have two holes to put your legs through and elastic around the top to hold them up round your waist or hips.

    e.g. I put on my bra and pants.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 underpants

2. 裤子
    Pants are a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of your body and each leg.


    e.g. He wore brown corduroy pants and a white cotton shirt.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 trousers

3. 劣质品
    If you say that something is pants, you mean that it is very poor in quality.

    e.g. The place is pants, yet so popular.

4. 使…(烦)得要死;把…(吓)得要命
    If someone bores, charms, or scares the pants off you, for example, they bore, charm, or scare you a lot.

    e.g. You'll bore the pants off your grandchildren...
    e.g. We all love to frighten the pants off ourselves by going on hair-raising rides at funfairs.

5. 凭感觉;凭直觉
    If you fly by the seat of your pants or do something by the seat of your pants, you use your instincts to tell you what to do in a new or difficult situation rather than following a plan or relying on equipment.

6. to be caught with one's pants down -> see catch
    to wear the pants -> see wear

pants 单语例句

1. Caraway told the crowd they wouldn't want someone to show up to their house for a date if their pants were sagging.

2. Getter suggests a red top with white pants and a white cardigan, or a red skirt with a white top and white cardigan for optimal style.

3. The old guys sitting around in their sleeveless shirts and rolled up pants chuckle.

4. His impoverished plight forced him to adjust to wearing pants and undershirts all year round.

5. This meant that during the soccer match, my pants were flimsily held together by some loose cord and a bit of thread.

6. The outfits feature simple sketches made in denim patched with corduroy and the pants made of fustian and jeanette with lycra.

7. Khakis and corduroy pants are expected to steal the focus, said vendors.

8. It was a local brand, a simple white shirt and cream pants.

9. The pants disappeared one day when Xie washed and hung them out to dry in the back yard.

10. The man inside the toilet was not seriously injured, but he was so terrified that onlookers had to help him do up his pants.

pants 英英释义


1. underpants worn by women

    e.g. she was afraid that her bloomers might have been showing

    Synonym: bloomersdrawersknickers

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